Hey Everyone,
As always, God is working great things at Destino del Reino.  It is such a joy to see Him continually guide us, provide for us financially, and grow up a new generation in Honduras that will serve Him with all their hearts, souls and minds!

School is out for the year and kindergarten graduation is on Monday.  The kids don’t really like being out of school.  They love the loving atmosphere there and love learning too.  Of course, i am glad for the summer break — at least not to be buying groceries for 200 kids everyday!!  We had a great year and are so thankful for the hard work of everyone in the school this year. Please be praying continually for the new sponsors we need immediately for the new incoming students.  We have to buy uniforms and shoes during the summer months so even though we are not buying groceries, we have some big financial needs.  Also the curriculum will be probably about $7,000 so that is a huge need to pray about.  Pray too that we will have God’s choice for our American teachers this year, as well as a new teacher and assistant that we need to hire.  Pray for it to be clear to us who GOD wants at Destino del Reino.  By the way, if you know someone that may
not have a college degree but would be able to give us a year as an assistant in English classes, please have them apply on or web site.  Thanks.  Mostly thanks for praying for all of these great needs coming up.  It is such a joy to watch these very poor children blossoming into great leaders of hope.  Please also be praying for a course that I will be teaching once a week to the 4th and 5th graders this year about applying the bible to their own lives and culture.  I want to teach them deeper things of the Spirit and the Word, spiritual warfare, purity, etc. etc.  The Holy Spirit really convicted me that we have to be very aggressive in our efforts to change this new generation.  The culture around and even in their own homes is far from moral and godly and they can’t just memorize scripture and hear Bible stories — they’ve got to learn to APPLY the Word to their lives.  Pray for me to find the right curriculum for this course and for wisdom
as to what God would have me teach them each week.

It looks like we are getting a new little baby boy.  We just prayed about it two weeks ago because Blanca said, “Tia, we don’t have any babies anymore and Sammy is going to school.”  So we said let’s pray for a baby, a boy.  Within another week we got a call from a mother in Jocon that cannot keep her 7-month old boy.  We are waiting for her to bring him to us in the next week or so.  Pray for this adjustment for all of us. We are so excited but only want who GOD wants at Destino so we’ll see what happens.

We have groups coming this summer and I am so excited for all they can help us get accomplished.  The first group (June 20-27 from Texas) is going to do a VBS in Las Jermanias and the women will have a bible study and craft for the moms in the school.  Please pray for the Lord to prepare the hearts of these mamas in our school.  Their needs are great but the greatest need they have is to seek the Lord Jesus.  We want to have a special activity for the fathers in September as well.  We have about 200 families in our hands and we want to do whatever we can to reach them  with more discipleship.  Also the men will re-roof the second house and paint and fix up the inside.  We will offer the second house to groups in the future in lieu of staying in the hotel in Sigautepeque.  It would be lots of fun for the groups to stay on the campus here and lots less trouble for everyone.  They would still go eat at maribel’s in the evening so they won’t miss
the good food!!   Pray for us in these new plans.

A week later a group comes from Day Spring (July 3-10) and they will be doing another VBS in another village close by and painting and fixing up the entire school.  What a blessing that will be for us.  Thanks for praying for all those who God is sending to us — that we will be a blessing to them and they can accomplish all that God is sending them here for.  Thanks.

The third group this summer (Bayvale Baptist end of July) will come and build us a huge chicken coop so that we can start producing our own eggs and chickens.  Someone has even offered to pay for all the chickens for us.  it is a great way to get our children involved in farm chores too.  They too will be doing a VBS in a village.  Thanks for your prayers.  So many children will hear more of the Word of God this summer because of these groups who are coming.  We are taking these groups to villages that really don’t have any Bible teaching during the year at all and so it is so necessary that at least for a few days they can learn the Word through Vacation Bible School.

We are still needing prayer about how and when to get the farm equipment here from colorado.  I think it will cost at least $8,000 so please be praying for us to work out the best way and that God will provide the funds.  We are so ready to start farming and to help all those around us who are hurting financially.

We haven’t heard anything else about little Vicente who was hit by the car but we have heard that he is healing every day and will recover.  Thanks for your prayers for him.  My nephew’s friend is getting a little better but needs a lot of prayer still.  He is in stable condition and they did find that he has some feeling in his legs so that is very hopeful.

The kids are all doing very well.  most of them have birthdays in the next few months so they are very excited.  The time is flying by and we need to use every moment to teach them the mercy and kindness of the Lord.  As it says in Psalm 103, everything else passes away but the righteousness of God passes from generation to generation — it is the only thing we can leave behind!!

They say (whoever “they” is) that a really big earthquake is coming soon to Honduras.  The last one was Sunday night but I didn’t even wake up.  It just lasted a couple of seconds but evidently did a lot of damage to the island of Utila in North Honduras.  People in San Pedro Sula are moving out to live in shelters on the streets for fear of staying in their homes.  What came to my mind the week before when we had the really BIG earthquake and my whole house was rocking so bad I could not walk acrosss the floor — in Hebrews it says that God will shake everything that can be shaken so that only that which cannot be shaken will endure (that would be HIM).  When I was in the middle of that earthquake, I couldn’t count on anyone or anything to help me.  I cannot put my confidence in another person — they cannot help me — and I can’t hold on to my children or my stuff.   It was so clear in that moment that we ONLY have GOD!!   We better make sure
that relationship is intact and not be so distracted by relationships with others or obsessed about our things and our”needs”.   It was a great reminder.  Pray for this country because we are under not only the threat of another big earthquake, but there is more and more violence, political tension, etc.  In November we will know if our present president will have succeeded in changing the constition to allow him to become dictator.  Thanks for praying — it is kind of scary but I believe we really are in the last days and we should expect things to get harder but that is our call to be warriors in the faith, ready to defend our faith and love for the Lord Jesus no matter what comes.

I found a wonderful website by Voice of the Martyrs for using in preparing our kids with a heart for the world and to prepare them to be missionaries.  It is called Kids of Courage and we are going to use the many stories of children under persecution so prepare our children for what may be required of them if they live for Jesus Christ.  I am so excited about the year to come.  it is so great to live for the King and His kingdom.

Friday night, Carlos preached with more power than he even usually does.  It was so clear the Holy Spirit was speaking through him.  He started out talking about water and how it is so necessary to our physical lives and then went into the comparison of the Holy Spirit (the water) who is absolutely vital to satisfying us spiritually.  He was so transparent with us about things he sought (and we seek) to fill up our lives but we come out so empty.  There were four young men (about 18) who I haven’t seen in church for about 2 years.  They were so attentive to every word and at the end when Carlos invited people to pray and just ask the LIVING WATER who can only satisfy our souls to fill us up and make us HIS.  Lots of people prayed with him, including these four young men.   Pray for them.  I had just this week felt the Spirit prompting me to pray about someone to come and disciple young men at Destino.  I wrote the couple that is coming here
from Indiana to help at Destino this year and asked if he would like to do discipleship. It turns out that that is his PASSION and so God is putting this together so clearly.   Pray for this very great need here.  Carlos is an evangelist and doesn’t have the gift of discipleship (nor the time) so God is sending Nathaniel to fill this need.  Please be praying for this very important ministry.  We will have to hire a translator for the discipleship classes, but it will be WELL wroth it.

There is so much to tell about al lthe plans God has put on our hearts for this year but I know this is too long already.  Thanks for your prayers that we will be sensitive to the Spirit continually and not get off track from HIS plans for Destino in any way.  We need daily wisdom.  Pray for the finances to finish up the clinic this year so we can start preparing to work on the junior high school next year.  There are so many needs but we have an ALL-SUFFICIENT Father.
Love to all of you and thanks for being so faithful in praying for us.  That is exactly why God is doing great things here — because of the many many pray-ers.
In His grace,
