Hey Everyone,

I hate to be selfish in my requests, but I really need a lot of prayer. I have had those same boil-like things under my right arm for over a week now and it is soooo painful. I’m not sure what is causing them but they take about a week or more to go away and in the meantime I am on a lot of antibiotics and tired and so hurting!! I know that God is the healer and if you will all be praying for me, I will get better FAST!! Thanks.

So many other things are going great — Carlos had a lot of new people in church on Monday night (I was sick in bed in pain) and he said that they had a wonderful time. He is so excited for how many people are starting to come from the El Socorro village. As I told you, that is where we are focusing our attention for evangelism and discipleship for this year and we really need a lot of prayer for that area. The police say it is the only dangerous area around here and it is because they need to know Jesus — our groups will be completely safe during the day time though, don’t worry about them. It is just the ongoing crime in the nights among the people living in that village. The first group will be here on June 2 and we will do a medical brigade and evangelism and invite them to a big crusade meeting at Destino on the evening of June 9th –so please keep those things in mind for prayer too.

The kids are doing great. All the four 4-year olds have now learned to dress themselves (except for buttons) and are so proud of themselves. I am so thankful too because I have the baby and the new little 20-month old boy. Josue is actually doing great though and is adjusting so quickly. He was crying out in the night every night during his dreams and now he has started laughing in his dreams so we are definitely improving, ha. The other kids love to take care of him, especially Cokie — she thinks he is her personal ward. He seemed so irresponsive at times though and when I took him for his entry check-up, the doctor said his ears were so full of wax that he probably couldn’t hear much — no wonder he was non-responsive, ha. We are working on that now and I know he will get happier as the days go by. Keep praying for him.

Please be praying still about a telephone line to Destino. It won’t be the same cost as the electricity was, of course, but about the same kind of miracle — we are a long way away from phone lines and it is going to take a miracle to get it all worked out. But we know how big our God is!! I desperately need a phone so that I don’t have to travel to Siguatepeque several times a week for my email messages. With groups coming there are a lot of questions to be answered and lots of details to plan and I have a LOT of kids at the house so this is getting to feel like a desperate prayer request! Thanks for the prayers.

The school is doing great. There are some sponsors that have not started sending payments, and if that is you, then please don’t hesitate to tell us if you have found that you are unable to send your support — we just need to get a sponsor for each child in order to have the funds for the school and need to know. Thanks for all of your prayers for the school and teachers and God will provide every thing we need. We have a new assistant for the kindergarten, Elsie. She is Wendy’s sister and is actually a computer teacher for little kids and we are hoping to have a computer class in our new school next year so we will already have her on our staff for that. She is so loving and even speaks some English and can help in my class with that.

I also have a new worker in the house named Iris. She is so happy and cheerful and Gloria has started watching the kids in the morning and then helping in the house and laundry in the afternoons. She is so happy and will be able to not be so exhausted when she returns to her four children every evening. I am happy to help her in this way.

Thanks for praying for our funds. I think we are finally a bout to catch up with the behind accounts. I don’t ever want to get in that mess again — Carlos told me this week that he doesn’t think we should ever charge for gas or at the hardware store — I was praising God for HIM to say that because I was always struggling when he wanted me to charge something to finish a project, but now he is as convicted about this as me and we will just wait until the money is there in the future — that is not living by faith when you just go charge something — God is faithful and He wil do the best things in the HIS best timing and we will learn to wait on HIM!! Thanks for praying for that for me.

Keep praying for Carlos. He and Wendy and the boys love living out by us at Destino and we love having them. He is so busy and has such a heart to be doing so much ministry but we have to wait til God sends some more construction people to help us. I know that Satan is after Carlos constantly because Carlos is definitely an enemy to Satan and a friend to the Kingdom of God and evangelizing the whole world. Thank sfor remembering him constantly in your prayers.

I spoke too soon about our lawyer getting involved. He didn’t come again with the papers this week so we need to keep praying for God to MOTIVATE him — I am so tired of trying to get all of these legal things worked out. We were able to get little Carlitos’ personal papers worked out finally this week. He now has a birth certificate and legal vaccination records — (we had to guess on his birthday and are hoping his name was right). We waited for months for his grandmother to come back to give us moer information but we had to get him registered before school starts next year and the deadline is before his 5th birthday (probably in 3 weeks) — so anyway, that was a big relief for us.

I had to fire someone this last week and it was difficult for me but was necessary to maintain unity in this ministry. Please pray for no repercussions to come from any bad-mouthing of the ministry of Destino del Reino. God confirmed several times that this was his will and we will be more careful in the future to have a 2-month probation with each person so that we have an extra 2 months to pray about each decision made about employees of the ministry. We are learning a lot from all of our mistakes but thank the Lord for his patience in helping and teaching us each step of the way.

We are still waiting to see how God plans to work out the details on funding the third house and the school this year so please keep those projects in your prayers as well.

Thanks for praying. There is SOOO much going on every day here and it is hard so many days but God is faithful and we need your prayer coverage in every minute.

Love you all and praise God for your great support and prayer.

In His grace,

