Hey Everyone,
We are leaving for the US tomorrow morning and just today found out that one of the girls that has been working for us for 4 months is living with one of the thieves. We think she has been informing them and putting us in danger. We let her go today but she probably won’t think it is connected because we are looking for people who live closer to the ministry and we told her how we appreciated her. We can’t have her here though while we are gone, informing the thieves how many nightwatchmen we have and who has guns, etc. They do know though that both Carlos and I areleaving in the morning. We know that we are supposed to go ahead and go to the missions conference but we need your prayers to cover us and the ministry and all that live here while we are gone. Needless to say, this is pretty scary for us. No one has ever entered the property at the children’s home since the night we marched and declared that God was victor here. Tonight, we
marched around the school for the first time and claimed that the angels would be encircling all the ministry. Thanks for joining us in faith and prayer in this matter.
Praise report — many parents accepted Christ in our church service on Friday night — I don’t know how many but a lot of them raised their hands and said they had prayed the prayer that Carlos led in for salvation. Thanks for praying. Pray now that they will continue to come to church and grow spiritually. We will be having the 2nd grade famlies on the 20th of March so start praying for that evangelistic meeting as well.
Pray for us as we share at the missions conference at Day Spring Baptist in Augusta starting Wednesday through Sunday, 1st — pray for us to have many “divine appointments” and that God will use us to encourage the people we meet.
Thanks for praying for the financial needs for Destino del Reino. God is getting us out of the whole financially and we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. He is faithful and although we don’t always know why He lets us get so close to desperation, He never ever fails. We learned a lot during this time — I learned to not lose my joy when the money is not there — or at least that is what I learned that I NEED to learn. ha. Carlos gave of his own money and was so joyful about that and knew that God gave him an opportunity to give more than just his time and energy to this ministry. The children in the school were involved this time in praying and so their faith is increasing in watching God come through for us once again. We went out to our “Altar of Thanksgiving” on Friday and put our newest stone on the altar with the words “God gave us the money to pay off our debts on February 20, 2009.” This is such a strong testimony
to the chidlren to see God answering our prayers (sometimes a little slower than I want, ha). Please keep praying for the financial needs here — we need a little more to get out of any debt at all and we know that God will provide that. We also praise God that more than 1/4 of the sponsors have generously decided to up their support by $20 more a month to help us to cover all the school needs. I thank you all for your prayers and your encouragement and the generous support so many of you have been giving to us. We are so blessed.
Thanks for your prayers and we will plan to give you a great report when we get back from Georgia next week — not only of our time in the USA but also the protection here at Destino while we were away.
Love to all of you and thanking God for the incredible team of prayer warriors that He has given to us at Destino del Reino.
In His grace,