Hola Friends,
Thank you for your continued encouragement and prayer for Destino del Reino. We have three groups in July and it is hectic but very good at the same time. I usually do not accept groups back-to-back, but that is how we had to schedule this year and God will give us strength to continue. We have had a group this week from Rockport, Texas, but the leaders are actually from West Acres Church in Augusta — Jordan and Hollie Mims — so it has been fun to catch up with them. They have been doing a VBS and also helping out at our ministry with some painting, weeding, etc. They are such encouraging people and it has been a joy to have them here.
Tomorrow morning when they leave, my dad and a group from West Acres and Day Spring are coming in to paint the entire school and repair a LOT of things here — I think they will all realize they should have booked a month with us when they see our llooooonnnnggg list of repairs, ha. They will leave the following Saturday and that same day, we receive a group from Tomball Bible Church in Tomball, Texas. Pray for us to know exactly what God has for each team. In mid-August we have a very big medical team coming in and that will be the same day our teachers from the US come in so that will be a hectic time but very exciting too.
We have an urgent prayer request for at least one more American to come and teach English — they will have to raise $400 a month and be here by August 20 and I don’t even know who he/she is, but the Father knows. He sure is making me wait until the last minute with this request but He is faithful and wants me to REALLY trust Him for the details of this ministry. So, I am trying my best to rest and just watch as He (once again) unfolds His perfect plan for our school.
Please pray for the sponsors we need immediately. To sponsor a child, it is $60 a month and we only ask you to be a sponsor if you are willing to pray regularly for your sponsored student. The sponsorship provides them with transportation, uniforms, shoes, materials, books, teachers, and even eye glasses or doctor appointments if needed. Please pray about being a sponsor. We need 30 new sponsors for the incoming kindergarten class and 10 more sponsors for the newly enrolled 7th graders. I would actually prefer to get the 7th graders supported first because we DESPERATELY need some prayer partners for these kids. We interviewed them last week and although most of them had been in a Christian school for 6 or 7 years, very few of them know Jesus Christ personally as their Savior. At the age of 13 and 14, that is kind of late to reach them sometimes, but we are committed to trying them at Destino and reaching them with the gospel. So as you see, we need some prayer warriors for each of these 10 new teens entering. I recognize it is a little bit of a risk since they are not all believers, but they have been trained in discipline and at least a knowledge of Christ in the other school and we are trusting God to capture their hearts this year. We will be having a spiritual retreat for them and the returning junior highers on August 19th so please keep that date in mind and pray for us to recognize how to minister to each one individually. We still have not received sufficient funds to build the junior high. It is all ready to put in the footings and foundation and then we would need about $25,000 to finish the first floor, but we are going on forward with the schooling and will put the students in 7th grade in the church to begin with. Pray that we receive the funds for the building in the near future and maybe the students can move in their real classrooms sometime after Christmas. God will provide in His perfect timing.
We are awaiting another child for Destino del Reino. Our little David (age 2) has a brother that just turned 4 and he has been in the custody of an alcoholic grandfather in Jocon for 3 years. His mom had been pushed out of their home and came and brought David to us in fear for his being stolen from her as well. I t ook the mom, Yeni, to a judge and she was granted custody but has been too afraid to go and demand her little boy back, even with the authority she was given. She now has cancer and is very afraid that she will not survive and three weeks ago came to visit us. She cried and said she was peaceful about David because he was with us and was loved and cared for, but she was so afraid about what would happen to her 4-year old, Roger. I reminded her that God was all-powerful and could take care of this situation and we would just pray about it. About 10 days later, she received a call from the grandfather (after not hearing anything from them in over 2 years ) and he asked her to come and pick up the boy. She has gone to Jocon to get him but we have not heard anything from her in about a week. Please pray for her safety and that she will be able to bring Roger to us soon. Thanks for all your faithful prayers for these very precious little ones.
We have sure been enjoying being back in operation in the church at Destino del Reino. Continue to pray for Pastor Carlos please. It is always a battle for him to have the time to study. Right now, we have lost our night watchman (again) and so Carlos is staying up late to watch at night as well as driving the bus for our groups and still carrying on all the other work that is necessary at Destino. I really thought he was to take off and get more time with just him and the Lord, but there is absolutely NO ONE here to help us. But, Carlos has been a new man this year and seeks the Lord like I have never seen him before — and I praise God for the discipline in his life. We do need prayer for a watchman and a good driver immediately though so please pray with us about that need as well.
I praise God for the help financially that we have received lately to cover our uniforms, shoes (has been promised) and also for some of our books already.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The container will be sent from Augusta Georgia in about 3 weeks. They have found out that it only costs about $600 more to send a 40-foot container than a 20-foot container so they are now collecting all that they can to fill up the 40-foot container. We need LOTS of school supplies, used children’s clothing, computers, printers, bus tires, ceiling fans, book shelves, tables, beds, home furnishings, etc. I will send out a list to and if you know anyone in the Augusta Georgia area that would be willing to have their churches collect items for us, that would be GREATLY appreciated. I thank you so much for at least praying for this need — that God will put the items needed in that container for us and it will come safely to us before school starts at the end of August.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragement. Pray for our safety always and for health as well. Carlos and I both have horrible colds right now and need STRENGTH!!! I also need prayer for a hurt knee (one month ago and still hurting) and also a damaged heel on my other leg. There is always something trying to hinder us. Thanks for praying.
Love in His grace,