Hey Everyone,

I just got a message from a friend from college, Jeff Armstrong, who is with Baptist Life Association.  He said they are willing to do a matching gift for whatever need Destino del Reino may have.  He also said that he has a friend who is willing to do a matching gift to match his gift so we have the offer of a double-matching gift up to $4,000.   Although we have so many needs for daily expenses — food, salaries, etc., the project I selected to apply for this matching gift is to purchase another used vehicle.   Pastor Pablo has been using an old Toyota pick-up for visiting our school families in the villages each day and that pick-up is completely worn out and pretty much unfixable.  We also have an X-Terra that has a problem in the motor that is unfixable(or would cost more than the car is worth to fix)  and so we are sharing one vehicle many days and trying to go in all different directions — so this offer came at the perfect time.  If you are interested in sending a donation to have double-matched, send a check to Destino del Reino, PO Box 814, Evans, GA 30809 and be sure to indicate on the check that it is for “vehicle”.   This offer is until December 1, 2014.   Jeff also asked that I remind everyone to only send donations that are beyond their regular tithes and offerings, as he did not want your churches to lack because of this offer.   Thanks for praying for the funds to come in so that we can take advantage of this very generous double-matching gift.   God is always amazing me in His provision for us at Destino!!
