Hey Everyone,
I wanted to share with you what God has been doing in me the past two weeks. I need prayer and also some assistance from any of you who have some ideas for us.
As most of you know, I have been ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED to the idea of my kids ever going to the United States to study or even visit. I have raised them in a pretty sheltered environment and although the culture around us in Honduras is not godly, my kids have not really lived in that culture apart from having friends at our school from the villages. I panic when I think of them being exposed to what is on the televisions and movies in the US and the way the people dress so immodestly and how the culture in the US is moving towards supporting transgender lifestyles and abortion, etc. etc.
Two weeks ago, one of my older boys suggested that he move to San Pedro Sula to try out for a national soccer team there, and I freaked out!! Also, I noticed my older boys having a little interest in some girls that I am not sure about — to say the least, I was in a true panic inside. But God met me in the night when I was freaking out about protecting my kids and really dealt with me. I surrendered them to Him again and He reminded me that my work with them is basically done once they graduated from high school — they are now in a place where they need to trust the Lord personally and seek Him and I have to trust the Lord with their lives, even if they make some mistakes (as we all do). During this time of surrender in the night, the Lord really spoke to me about their opportunities and what he wants for them to do. I have made a full turn around and believe that God wants my kids to take the best opportunities possible for their studies even if that means the United States and He will protect them and guide them there (without my help, ha). He told me to raise up missionaries and they would be more easily launched into mission fields from the US if they have established relationships with churches and believers there. So — I am taking my hands off of this and am trusting the Father to provide for them and lead them and use them for His kingdom in great ways. Most of my friends have learned to surrender their kids long before now and this is new for me so you can know how to pray for me.
Last week I believe the Lord gave me the idea of trying to get a soccer scholarship at Bryan College (my alma mater). I threw the idea out to Cesar, truly believing he would not like the idea of leaving his soccer successes and plans to rise up in national teams in Honduras, but he was very enthusiastic about the idea. He feels that he is supposed to go into medicine and I believe will be going into missions one day with that. I have talked to a few friends with connections to Bryan still and we are preparing some videos of Cesar’s games. He won the city-wide most goals for the under 18 league and also for the team under 25 last year. He is truly incredible and I believe the Lord gave him this gift to use for His glory! So I need prayer for God to open the doors for this opportunity. If you know anyway to help us with this, let me know (Bryan graduates).
I have talked to Dr. Billingsley about getting some kind of a scholarship or opportunity for Blanca in nursing school in Augusta and he has begun working on that. Blanca is now 21 and has been teaching in our school, helping in English, and is an incredible woman of God. We plan to have nursing at Destino at some point in the future but she needs to get on with her education now. Maybe she will graduate and come back and teach nursing for us in Destino’s school of nursing in a few years. One church told me they sponsor students to go to college sometimes and if any of you have ideas for Blanca, please let me or Dr. Billingsley know.
Franklin is my third adult child who also needs to study in the US for his career interests. He has been working with our volunteer, Chris, who is an engineer, and he absolutely loves robots and programming. He would like to go to a school somewhere around Augusta or Atlanta and we are praying for open doors and financial provision for him as well.
Carlos has graduated as well but he believes God wants him to be a biology teacher and he would be able to study in Honduras to prepare him sufficiently for that career so probably won’t be needing to study abroad.
After Carlos is Jonathan who is graduating this year in July. Jonathan is incredible in music and has never been professionally trained. He plays by ear and has plays the saxophone, the flute, the clarinet, the piano and is now working on guitar. He loves it and is gifted and wants to be prepared in music. We are praying for maybe a music institute instead of full college degree for him. So please be praying on ideas for Jonathan as well.
I have thrown a lot of ideas out there and need the body of Christ to come beside me and help me find how to go about the getting these kids prepared for their ministries. Please let me know if you have contacts or finances, or whatever to contribute in ideas for us. I know God will complete His promises for these kids. He brought them out of poverty and has made them walk in high places because of His glory in their lives. He will do it!!!
Thanks for your prayers as well for school starting. It has started out well. One thing we have started this year (another good idea from the Father) is a big brother/big sister program. On Friday all the 6th through 11th graders were introduced to a student from 1st grade to 5th and they met with them and prayed with them and played ball with them a while. They will meet together once a month to encourage their little brothers and sisters and I know this will be so helpful to these little kids. Many have no encouragement spiritually outside of Destino and now they will have someone to learn from and look up to and have pray for them. It was a beautiful sight to see them all over campus in their little groups talking together on Friday. Thanks for all your prayers for these wonderful students. God is working in them.
Love y’all and counting on your prayer and wisdom.