Hey Everyone,
Thanks for your faithful prayers. I know that I start out every email like that but it REALLY IS the reason that things are going so well here — God is answering your prayers for us.
The group from Bayvale just left yesterday. There were only 9 on the team but they did a terrific job with vacation Bible school and evangelism. I was impressed with their flexibility especially when I changed the plan from working with a village with 60 kids to one with 170 kids plus. They were so good about putting together extra crafts and getting things prepared for SO many more. Many came to Christ both in the VBS and in the door-to-door visitation. Megan dressed up as a clown with all the make-up etc. every day and wanted to surprise my kids after VBS the first day. I didn’t know she was going to do that or I could have warned her. Cokie and Jonathan are TERRIFIED of clowns. She walked in, thinking they would be so pleased, and they were hysterical. The timing was especially bad because the night before Cokie had had a nightmare about a clown. She told me in her little squeaky voice the next night. “Tia, I’m not going to dream about clowns anymore.” I told her that God was with her and she was safe in her bed there. She said, “And God will say, “Out clowns, in the name of Jesus.” It was so funny. The group was in Santa Rosita and the roads had been so bad prior to this time that we had not been able to reach this village with the gospel and now we can get there (even without 4-wheel drive vehicles). We plan to send the next group (Aug. 13-20) there for 3 days of medical clinic as well and am so happy that we can follow-up with some of these new believers.
We are amazed at how God helps us in Sunday School each week. We have WAY too many children for the teachers and helpers that we have but God always sends someone along to help us. We had the group doing Sunday School last week and then this weekend we met a man and his wife and aunt that were staying at the hotel and were in town to visit the man’s father (an 81-year old American man that lives here with his Honduran wife). Their luggage did not come on the plane on Thursday night so we offered to take them in the bus with the group when they returend to the airport on Sat. morning. While the man went with Carlos to the airport, the women came to my house and spent the day with us, preparing for the Sunday School class and helping distribute medicines up in Las Germanias. We had a great day and then they came and helped in Sunday School this morning as well. God provides ALL we need in so many unique ways. The Honduran wife of their father came as well this morning and I was able to share about Jesus Christ with her and she prayed to receive him as her Savior. The 81-year old man will be at church with them tomorrow night and is open so pray that he will receive the Lord as well.
David and April Weber left this week after being with us for 5 weeks — they are absolutely wonderful with the kids and helping me in every way. With them and Zac here, I learned to really trust the Lord to send me good people for the future. I could not have dreamed of a better team of volunteers than these three have been to me this summer. It is so great to know that God has just the right people in mind for this ministry and will send them in perfect timing. Zac has 2 more weeks and we are getting really sad about losing him. He returns to Texas A & M for his senior year. God has done GREAT things through this young man this summer and we are amazed at his own growth spiritually. God had shown Zac (through a man who came here earlier in the summer) that God would be sending Zac someone to disciple him. The very next day, David and April came and that is their specialty — disciplining college kids. It was amazing what God put together here this summer. The kids are going to go into withdrawal without those three here anymore. We are praying for all of them to return.
The tractor started clearing the land this week for the new elementary school. I feel like I am in a beautiful dream all the time and never have to wake up!! God is continuing to amaze me more every day. The clinic/third house is still progressing as well. We received some more funds for working more on that project as well and know that God will finish the whole thing in His perfect timing.
Pray for the new Destino del Reino board in Augusta that is being formed. I am soooo excited to have a board in place finally that I can meet with when I am in the States and who will be praying together to give us their godly counsel and input.
I forgot to tell you too, that thanks to your prayers, I am finally feeling like myself again. I just needed some time with my kids alone and some early nights to bed. I feel GREAT again now. I had to stay back and not go with this last group for the VBS and evangelism but had to make a choice in priorities for staying with the kids. They have so much company all year long and I have to really be careful to not neglect them in the chaos.
Love you and thanks for all the prayers.
In His grace,