Hey Faithful Prayer Partners,

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for us at Destino del Reino.  I know things are getting tough in the US and you have so many other concerns in your own individual lives and we appreciate that you still continue to think about us and pray faithfully for our needs here in Honduras.

We have been continuing to meet with the individual children at the school.  Carlos was able to pray with 6 of the boys in 4th grade today and it was such a special time for them.  I was able to help over 20 children in 2 to 4th grade classes to accept Christ in the last month and will start on first grade next week.  Be praying for that time and also for Carlos as he continues with the 3rd and 4th grade boys.

On March 20th we had our church service with the second grade families and it was a great time together.  Several parents accepted Christ that night and the children were so wonderful.  It still thrills me that they are memorizing so much scripture every day.  They only spend 15 minutes a day but they are able to quote chapters of the Bible and also they quoted the whole list of “Who I am in Christ” as well.  They sang 4 songs in English — these kids are amazing and God is doing great things in their lives.

As we face so many problems with the immorality around us here in Honduras, God has put it in my heart to have once a week classes in school next year on character, purity, family values etc.  I am sooooo excited about this.  As we think and pray about raising up a new generation, we are going to have to be very aggressive in the way that we train them against the wrong values and immorality of the culture they live in.  Thanks for praying for us as we look for the right curriculum for these classes.

Continue to pray for the teachers we need next year.  We need at least 2 more American (or Canadian) teachers to come and we know that God will be putting it on their hearts to do that as you pray for this great need.  Thanks.

We changed our couples dinner and showing of the Fire Proof movie to the 4th of April so be praying for that time to have an impact on the couples we have invited.  We have had a very hard time even finding 10 couples to come — so few people are married here — and so it just emphasizes to us that we need to do everything we can to build up the few marriages there are.  Thanks for praying for that night to go well and lives to be touched and changed.  I believe there will be many unbelievers so pray for the message of the movie as far as salvation to convict their hearts.
We have a lot of projects in the works right now and need prayer for the funds for each of them.
(1)  My cousin is still working on sending a tractor, big truck, 4-wheeler, farming equipment and much more so that we can get busy here farming on the new land.  There is a real crisis here in Honduras and the people are getting poorer every year and we need to be prepared to help many hungry families.  Pray for the funding to send the equipment and also for the fixing of the tractor right now.

(2)  We have been praying regularly for a bus for next year.  Then in the past 3 weeks we have had one bus in the shop continually and that means that we have had almost 200 kids and teachers on the one bus that was running and this, as you know, is very dangerous.  We got word this week that a friend of ours is getting big buses at an auction and shipping them and he offered to buy and send a bus to us for $10,000.  This is less than half the price we had to pay for the last big bus and so I really believe that the Lord is going to provide the money for us to purchase on through him.  He will make absolutely no money off of this — it is just what it costs for the purchase and shipment.  Please pray that God will lay it on hearts to help us with this bus fund.  Thanks.

(3)  My friend, Serge, was here this week from Tennessee.  We are so excited about all that God is using him to initiate for Destino in the way of computers and networking, etc.  He was able to talk to a friend at Bryan College and it looks like they are going to be able to donate a lot of computers to us in July or so and we can have them shipped here before the start of school in September.  We have a real need for computers in the classroom, in the library for research and the offices as well as we are planning to put a computer in the classrooms for the teachers to use in teaching.  This brings us to two more big needs:  we need to buy large flatscreen televisions for the classrooms and if anyone knows where we might be able to get a big discount or even donation, we would like them to be uniform so that the equipment will be easier to work on.  We would need about 8 of these and they would be approximately $700 each.  The other need will be
for a container to come from Augusta in August to get the supplies to us in time.  God will work out all these details in his perfect timing and way and I appreciate your prayers for us.  We are so excited that God is putting it in the hearts of several of Serge’s friends to help us in all the technical need here and that He is providing for us the necessary equipment to be able to really educate these children.  I just love how the Lord provides so amazingly for the very poorest of Honduras!!

(4)  We asked you to pray about a blockmaking machine and one friend is investigating into a company who has been known to donate these machines to third world countries in the past — pray that this can happen for us as well.

(5)  We are working on opening a second hand clothing store and have all been busy getting that started.  We won’t open for several weeks as we have much more organizing to do.  I am so excited to use this opportunity to not only raise some funds for the ministry here in Honduras but also to teach the older children to work, count money, tithe and save with their earnings, etc.

As you know, we are still praying to finish the clinic this year and also start our first cabin so that we can begin to rent out a campground for churches one day to also get independent in our financial needs.

Thanks for praying for all these projects.  We really know that God is going to open up many ways for us to get more independent and be able to support ourselves here, especially as times are getting tougher financially in the US.  Just pray that the money will come in as God puts it on hearts to help in these areas.

I know I always give you a million things to pray for — so maybe if you just pick one of these things and pray faithfully — hopefully, everyone will b e praying for something different and we can cover all the needs in prayer.  Thanks for your encouragement and just the thought that there are so many many of you out there prayign for us is such a joy to me!

There are so many more things to share.  God is so incredible in all the great things He is doing and Satan is constantly attacking.  Last night, Carlos was almost killed and there is no other explanation other than Satan.  He was coming down the highway in the dark and he slowed down to answer the phone (that was me calling about the night watchman), and a big 18-wheeler passed him.  Right after that, the car turned off completely on a curve so he had no lights and no control of the steering wheel — he started sliding on the loose gravel due to the construction on the roads, and just missed by about half a foot, going over into a ravine.   When he went to start the car again, the ignition had been turned off — the car had not just died in gear — BUT GOD was protecting him through all of this and not one car came up on him in the dark curve.   We are amazed at how many things like that happen to us here but God is bigger than any plan or
scheme of the Enemy.  Just keep praying for us.

Love in His grace,
