Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the prayers. It has been a hectic couple of months getting ready for school — schedules, plans, etc. and then we have had two weeks of training for our teachers and time for them to prepare lesson plans and decorate their classrooms. AND school started on Tuesday morning. It was so great to see all the kids coming back. They absolutely love school and love learning and they know what a huge privilage God has put in their hands. They are children who never could have gone to school and now they not only have a beautiful school and loving teachers, but they are learning English and having music lessons and computer classes. It is so amazing what God has done for them and for the future that He has planned for these precious little ones. The parents came to their first meeting last Friday and it is such a blessing to have families that KNOW what God has put in their hands for their children and they are eager to do their part. They came on Monday with machetes and worked all day cutting the grass all over the land. Then on Tuesday morning, we received oranges, tomatoes, corn, etc. that the parents wanted to contribute as thanks for the education of their children. They elected a new board of parents and the president is a godly woman and she is taking this position very serious and is asking prayer for wisdom for the parents. I am just soooo excited about this new year. We have 5 precious Americans who demonstrate such servanthood and humility and are working so hard to complete their part in the plan God has for these children. The Honduran teachers as well appear to be very humble and capable and we just are anticipating a wonderful year at Destino del Reino. Please continue to pray for us to find more sponsors for the kinder class that is beginning. We need the help financially for each of them to eat the hot meal every day and pay their teachers, etc. but we especially need someone praying by name for each one of them regularly. Thanks for praying for this great need.
We still need another bus driver but Carlos is really enjoying driving the big bus in the morning and doesn’t want to quit yet. I think sometimes he feels out of it when he is out doing “business” things for Destino so every morning he now gets to see each little face and is reminded why we are here!! I too am with the kids more now because I started teaching the Bible class for grades 2 to 5th — I absolutely LOVE teaching them. The 40 minute class goes by way too fast and I know I will not feel like I have covered enough this year when it is over but we’ll maybe have two classes a week next year. The kids are so attentive and open-hearted and it is pure joy to teach them God’s Word.
Sammy started kinder and he is sooooo excited about school. The first day he was a little concerned. He has grown up in our house with lots of discipline but most of the children in the villages are kind of just left to raise themselves and have never had to sit still or stick with one task. Anyway, Sammy wanted us to pray for his classmates because he said, “They just didn’t understand the teacher — she kept saying, [‘Sit down’, “sit down, ‘sit down’ and they didn’t understand her. It was so funny — he just didn’t understand they were DISOBEYING not that they didn’t understand. His teacher really loves him and I amglad — I was concerned about his behavior because he is definiately our family clown and I explained that he cannot be the “class clown” or he will be in the principal’s office all the time. He is doing well. All the other kids are so excited to be back in school as well. They started music classes now and have a PE teacher who is serious about warm-up exercises and them learning sports so this will be a great new experience for them as well.
We will be starting discipleship class for the teenage boys in the church on Tuesday night so please be praying for that very great new ministry. Nathaniel, our American PE teacher is going to be teaching these young men. I think there is already a lot of opposition from the Enemy and we need to cover them in prayer.
I see some change in my faith the past few months as far as resting in the Lord but I still have panicky moments when there is no money in the bank and we have lots of needs and debts but, as I told someone this week, when the book comes out about Destino del Reino, I do not believe after recording so many miracles, that all of a sudden the book reads, “and then in 2009, God quit providing for Destino.” He has been soooo faithful and will continue to provide all we need in HIS perfect timing. I do ask though that you pray regularly for us as there are so many financial needs right now and we need to have the wisdom as to what is most important.
As I wrote yesterday, I will be going to Augusta, Georgia fora short visit with my parents so please pray for the children while I am gone. I wlil be at my parents’ house from the 10th to the 13th — just four solid days and will not try to go out and visit a lot of friends but if you want to call me at 706-731-5216, or come to my parents’ and visit, we would love to see any of you. My mom is starting a stronger chemo in the next few weeks so please be praying for her. This is a hard time for our family. But I believe God is still the Great Physician and can do the impossible. We will wait on His will and trust Him.
Love to all of you and thanks for all the continued prayers. We are always at war here to complete the plans of God and He is the Victor so pray for us to stay hidden in HIM!
In His grace,