Hey Everyone,
I thank you all soooooo much for your prayers. God is answering them above and beyond anything I could ask or imagine (just like He promises).
The house is progressing very well and I am including some pictures for you as attachments. It is amazing how God is providing for each new need. We have decided to keep the Honduran workers on the job full-time as they are doing a great job and we don’t want them to have to hunt work elsewhere when we will be needing them for two more houses in June. There are many projects to do though and they will have no problem keeping busy. They are finishing up on all the walls this week and will begin painting next week. They are installing the plumbing next week also and the carpenter is working on all the doors. Wood costs quite a bit here and that will be one of our biggest expenses — doors and cabinets — but the Father knows all that and is providing perfectly for each need. We never seem to have any “extra” in the bank, but just as we need the next money, it is there!!! Just like the widow in the Old Testament whose meal and oil never ran out — that is exactly how our bank account is. That keeps me trusting Him ONLY and not the finances!!
We have totaled up all (or almost all) of the projected expenses for the house and it will be around $28,000 per house and that will include tile and cabinets, etc. The house is so big and an engineer and contractor here in Honduras came out to see the house and said that the same house contracted by Hondurans and built by Hondurans would cost more than $50,000. So we are doing great with this price. We have also decided to build all the houses the exact same way with the same slab. We had originally felt like it was a mistake when we didn’t plan ahead and ended up with the slab on the columns because the land was so steep — instead we have realized that for just $2,000 more each, all the houses can have this underground area and that will be a great asset. We are finishing the first third of the underground section as an apartment for volunteers. The middle section will be cemented and used for underground play area for the kids (and with hammocks for adults). The last section towards the outside will be a driveway (whenever we have a car). I am so happy that all the houses will have this same extra space and we will be able to use it in so many ways.
My parents came last week and brought Jim and Linda Bargeron. We had a great time together and Jim is very talented in so many ways. He and my father were able to complete the stripping for the ceiling panels and he wants to return at the end of February to wire the house electrically. It will save us so much money in labor and he will also bring all the materials which will be a great savings to us. He is also very gifted in building furniture and wants to return with another group coming in March to help build the furniture.
This next week a pastor, Johnny Sherman, from Alabama is coming to plan what his group can do at the end of March when they come for a week. They will be bringing some medical people and some furniture builders. We will arrange a medical brigade in a nearby village and the builders can work on our bunk beds, chests, etc. Johnny is the brother-in-law of my girlfriend from college and God has laid it on his heart to be a part of this ministry. He believes he will be bringing groups over regularly to help us build. He called yesterday and is also bringing a lady from another church next week. He said she is also interested in this ministry and is part of a small missions organization that is looking for a project like Destino del Reino. God is amazing me more and more each day with all He is providing and the people He is so obviously sending to us.
The first week of March, my friends from Houston are coming to put in the water well and work on the septic system. The friends in Houston are organizing the collection of the household items we need to open the first home as well as the generator to run it. They are packing all of these things on the bus we now own. Please pray for the details to be worked out to ship the bus loaded with all our necessities on the Chiquita banana ships that will be returning empty to Honduras from the States. The Father knows all that has to happen and so help me pray for those details to be worked out and in HIS perfect timing.
I will not be up to the mountain villages until after Pastor Johnny and Jennifer leave (about the 10th of February). Please be praying that the mothers’ hearts will respond if God is prompting them to give their children to His plan for them at Destino del Reino. I ask for wisdom to know who the Father intends to make into His disciples to change the world, beginning with the mountain villages of Yoro.
Please continue to write me and share your individual prayer needs. I love to be praying for each of you specifically too. Thank you for all your prayers and please keep it up —
I hope each of you have a chance to come and see this glory of God in this place first-hand some time soon.
I love you all and praise God for putting together such a powerful prayer team for Destino del Reino — you are absolutely crucial to all He is doing here.
Love in His Grace,
P.S. We now have FRUIT TREES!!! We planted 50 banana trees, 30 orange trees, 5 lemon trees, 15 tangerine trees, and 15 mango trees.