Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and recognizing all that God is doing in your lives!!

I have been so blessed this week. I came back to Jocon a week ago and have had a very busy week so far.

On the trip down, I had to ride in the very back of the VERY crowded bus and sat on the back tire. The buses here never quit taking in people no matter how crowded we already are, so I was crunched up in the back sitting on the tire with about 5 other people back there with me. They opened the back door and put another family in the back with me. I held two little boys on my lap and the parents stood up. As we talked the next few hours, I realized that God had planned this meeting and He really blessed me in my time talking to this family. The man turned out to be a pastor of a church in a very small village near Yoro. He was VERY interested in getting the information about Destino del Reino to some of the poor women in his church. We had a great time together talking about all that God had been doing in our lives and I believe that I will one day see some children come to the home through this sweet pastor, Pastor Carlos.

I got back to Jocon that Friday evening and was so glad to be back with my family here in Jocon. I really love them and miss them so much when I am away from them all. On Monday I went to meet the medical brigade that had come from the US with Pastor Luis from La Ceiba. I had written to y’all earlier that I am so thankful that Pastor Luis has been coming and bringing groups into this area of Honduras — I wanted to see if I could help in any way with the brigade this week and went to meet the people. To my GREAT surprise, they were from GEORGIA — I just couldn’t believe it!! They were a group of about 9 teenagers and 6 adults (teachers and parents) from a Christian school in Douglasville, outside of Atlanta. They brought a dentist with such a servant’s heart and all of them worked hard all week. We went to 4 villages and gave fluoride treatments to all the children and the dentist pulled teeth all day every day. It was so wonderful to have people willing to come to this part of Honduras where life is so hard. None of them complained about the “rustic” environment and I was really impressed with the teenagers for having such great attitudes about the food and very primitive sleeping facilities. I had such a great time with them all and was so encouraged personally by the adults too. It amazes me that I would love them so much in such a short amount of time. God blessed me so much through them and they desire to be prayer partners for Destino del Reino also — I am continually amazed at how God has been bringing so many people from so many places together in one accord to pray for this children’s home. He is SOOOO faithful.

I have been stretched more than usual in my living conditions this past week. Rosy and Fernando are having their house fixed and a room added on. The man who is doing the work took the entire roof off of all the house except my room and so EVERYONE is sleeping together in my room every night. It is pretty interesting. Last night it rained so hard and the rest of the house was full of water and we had to continually sweep it out so it wouldn’t over flow into my room where the kids were all sleeping all over the floor. We will be in this condition for probably about a month. Just pray I can start sleeping better at night. Life is so precious here though and the other night I just laughed lying there in bed with so many of us together. I had put on some children’s praise music and I thought everyone was about asleep, when the song, “If you’re saved and you know it, say Amen.” came on, and all of a sudden, everyone (including adults) yelled “Amen” at the same time. It was so funny and I just love living in this simple loving family.

The man who is planning to drill our well is coming out in a few days to tell us how much pipe we will need. His machine is VERY big and he will be able to handle the job — He will probably be coming to drill our well the week after next and it will take only 2 days. KEEP PRAYING. I know God has promised to give us all the water we need though. I was reading randomly in my Bible two days ago in the prophet books and twice saw the phrase “and they found ABUNDANT WATER” — I felt like maybe the Spirit was telling me something but didn’t want to just presume what I wanted Him to be saying to me. The next day, I picked up my Bible and started reading in the Psalms, and AGAIN found the same phrase in Psalm — “abundant water”. So I tried to find where I had been reading the day before — I looked where a Bible marker was and it was in Jeremiah, and I found the SAME phrase for the third time — I really think the Father was trying to let me know to trust Him and that He will bring us all the water we will need for the children’s home. He knew that this was heavy on my heart and He is so good to take away every burden. He is ALWAYS faithful!!

Thanks for all your prayers and thanks for praying continually for all the needs for opening the home: (1) the well; (2) the septic system; (3) the bus to be shipped smoothly from Houston (as well as the van); (4) for the legal papers to be arranged for each mother to sign in release of her children; (5) for the exact children that God intends to be cared for at the home to come forward.

I love all of you and thank God ALWAYS for the terrific prayer team He has put together for this ministry. Thanks for those prayers and for your encouragement to me.

Love in His Grace,

