Hey Everyone,
Sorry it has taken so very long for me to update everyone but thanks for being faithful in prayer for us even when you don´t hear from me at times. We have been so busy and even though it looks like a vacation when we go away to the US, I usuallycome back really exhausted. Believe it or not, I get tired of TALKING ha. We had great times with so many old friends and new people who have a heart for Destino´s ministry as well. Thanks for your faithful prayers. It was a great time and we were so blessed by all the special things that people did for us and gave us things that we had only told the Lord that we needed. It was really amazing how He had prepared every step of our way. He is so faithful and such a loving Father who lavishes us with blessings.
Thanks for praying about the 100 acres. It looks like about $11,000 is already promised and we are waiting on the Lord to show us exactly what he wants in this. We have a lot of beautiful dreams for the land and it has been confirmed that it is an incredible offer price and hopefully it is an open door from the Lord. I don´t know how to proceed so we are just praying and ask you to do the same. I guess we will wait and see what other pledges come in to let us know for sure that the Lord has opened this door. Thanks for praying fervently with us on this opportunity. We need his wisdom. We have also found out that it has all the clear title that we need and the company told us they will not even tell others about the land until we tell them that we do not want it. So we don´t have to know immediately but at the same time I don´t think we should let it go on for too long. Anyway, just pray. Our Father knows best and he will reveal it to us and provide whatever is
needed to accomplish his purposes.
Please pray diligently for tomorrow´s youth rally. We expect more than 50 teenagers and are praying that many receive the Lord Jesus as their savior tomorrow and will immediately be put into discipleship classes. Carlos and the guys have created a n incredible obstacle course, ropes course, games, etc. The zip line is now 300 feet and goes across the unfinished soccer field. Pray for the youth that come. This is an incredible opportunity and we are expecting great things from the Lord. If the Lord chooses to give us the land we are praying about, we will be building a youth camp in the future. There is a group here that has a camp out of Siguatepeque and the builder says they just have groups spend about $5,000 and they can put up a cabin in one week. Maybe next summer after 4 groups have been here we will have 4 cabins for youth weekends. We´ll see what God does though.
All the kids are doing well except for a lot of colds and coughs so keep praying for them. They are so happy though and I am thankful that the two new little girls have fit in so quickly and are so happy. Fourteen little ones seems like a lot at times but I believe they are all being nurtured and loved and affirmed every day with the help of my awesome ladies.
The announcement for teachers is now at 3 different Christian colleges and please pray for any other places that we could advertise. I know that God will work this out and bring just His right choices for the 4 teachers we need. We have been advised that we need to transition into bilingual since the kids have just had a few classes in English this year. So we need to start with bilingual 4 K and Kindergarten and first grade. So we need a teacher for each of those three classes. Then we need another teacher to just teach english as a second language with 40 minute classes in the morning and the afternoon for second, third and fourth graders. Thanks for praying. The website is updated and you can see the kids on there but you also can go under school and look at what we need for the teachers. Please pray and help us find these people for Destino. www.destinodelreino.org
We are trying to get hooked up to a company that has cable, internet and telephones at one price. Please pray for this because we don´t have a functioning internet at my house right now and are trying to sell our satelite to pay for the price of bringing the other company lines to our house. We would finally have a telephone and would feel sooooo spoiled. We could also have cable to watch the news and know when a hurricane is coming, ha, as well as the Honduran soccer play offs. Anyway, thanks for praying for that need as well.
We are having a container sent from Houston in early July to provide for the workshop that we are finishing up right now and also for furniture to put in the houses we provide for the new teachers. Thanks for praying for this to go smoothly and happen quickly. It is a lot of work but the friends that are doing this are such servants. Pray for time and energy for them because they are already very busy.
The Lord has blessed us above and beyond anything we can imagine and we continue to stand in amazement of His mercy and goodness to us. When we are without faith, he remains faithful. That is one of my favorite verses because in myself I could never live up to what should be required of someone in this blessed ministry, but the Father sees my weaknesses and just uses them for his glory. Continue to pray for Carlos. God is doing deep wonderful things in his life and he needs constant prayer to continue. Pray for both of us to stay in the Word of God and not let the busyness crowd out the most important thing, living in the presence of the Spirit. Thanks for your faithfulness in praying and supporting us. We are blessed.
Love you all so much,
In His grace.
PS Because of the internet problems I won´t be able to answer as quickly so be patient with me. We also have a group from UGA Wesley Foundation coming on Sunday so I may be out of touch a little that week as well. Pray for the fruit God will bring in the kingdom this next week with that group.