There are many questions that teams have before coming to Destino del Reino. As well, teams have many questions once they are in-country. The following is an outline of information that will help make your mission trip more effective and helpful to the ministry of Destino del Reino.
Scheduling a mission
General: Teams planning to come to Destino are asked to give at least three (3) months notice of the desired dates. If less than three-month notice, it is very unlikely that you will be able to schedule a trip for the dates you wish. Usually a group is best with at least 15 team members but no more then 25. No deposits are necessary for the in-country costs listed below.
Transportation: All teams are asked to come into San Pedro Sula airport. Please schedule midday flights coming and going. Sundays are not good for traveling. There is a $40 airport exit fee for each person as you leave Honduras. Transportation in country will be arranged by Destino and will cost the team approximately $1,500 for the week (for the bus for a team of 15 people or more). If the team is smaller, we will be happy to reduce that amount.
Hotel: All teams will stay at the Hotel Plaza San Pablo. The hotel is located in Siguatepeque, a town approximately 10 miles from Destino. The hotel provides nice accommodations and a safe environment. Linens are provided. Teams are offered a meeting room free of charge while at the hotel (great for evening devotionals). The electricity in the hotel (as well as all of Honduras) is the standard North American wattage (you can use your hair dryer, etc. without worry). The hotel offers two room sizes ( 2 person or 3-4 persons). Destino needs to have the sleeping arrangements 1 month in advance. Rooms cost approximately $15 per person per night. You can pay the hotel for the week upon arrival and avoid carrying around a lot of cash during your stay. There is usually internet service available in the hotel as well as an internet café on the corner of the block from the hotel.
Food: Most breakfasts and dinners will be eaten at Maribel’s, a restaurant within walking distance of the hotel. The water is safe and the food is great. Teams are asked to prepare their own lunches. Local stores will have lunch foods that teams can purchase once in country. The water at Destino is also safe for drinking. In addition teams usually eat one dinner at a local pizzeria. Teams should budget approximately $15 per day per person for food. (Maribel’s is $12 a day for breakfast and dinner (all you can eat), and another approximately $3.00 for lunch foods and drinks.
Translators: While in country most teams will need translators. Please advise Destino of the number of translators that will be needed for your team. What you plan to do will largely determine the number of translators needed. Construction teams will have much less need for translators than medical and evangelism teams. The translators cost $15 per day and the team is responsible for providing them with lunch and water.
Health and Safety: Destino is in a very safe part of Honduras. The health department provides a list of shots and/or medication that is recommended for those traveling to Honduras. Each team must use their own discretion when deciding which precautions to take. For instance, the health department will tell you that you need malaria medicines, but after 16 years here, I have never heard of a case of malaria and the medicines actually can make some team members feel ill. It’s up to your leadership.
What can we do?
Before you decide to come to Destino, it is important that you pray about why you believe the Lord has called you to come. Prayer will help to reassure you of the Lord’s calling and will help guide you in the way that your team will be used in Honduras. There are many ways that your mission team can help the ministry at Destino. Below is a list of few of the ways that teams minister while in Honduras.
Teams are encouraged to bring medication to help re-supply the Destino pharmacy as well as to distribute during the medical clinics. The following are always needed: adult and children’s vitamins; cold and allergy; pain relievers; fever reducers; parasite med.; antibiotics; topical creams, first aid supplies for the school children.
Do not feel limited to the above list but pray about ways that you can help the ministry at Destino and the villages in the surrounding area. Also feel free to do a combination of different things. Evangelism can be very effective during and after a medical clinic, and distributions are a good way of meeting physical needs along with meeting the spiritual needs of the community.
In Country Considerations
Below is a list of guidelines that will help your team be more effective in ministry. Many times the way we dress or act can be a distraction to the people we are trying to reach. These guidelines are aimed at reducing the distractions associated with cross cultural ministry.
Dress and Appearance: Our appearance will tell the Hondurans much about who we are and why we have come to Honduras. Here are some basic guidelines that will help your team:
Men: Men are asked to dress appropriately for their ministry area. Construction team members can wear jeans, old t-shirts. etc… Men doing evangelism and/or medical can wear khakis and an old polo or nice t-shirt. Shorts are allowed for men, but it must be kept in mind that most adult men in Honduras never wear shorts, therefore it might be distracting to wear shorts.
Women: Women are asked to dress modestly and appropriately for their ministry area. We ask that women do not wear shorts in country (jeans, capris and long skirts are great alternatives). Women should also avoid tight or revealing clothing, including low cut or spaghetti strap tops. Women are also asked to avoid wearing excessive make-up and jewelry.
General: Destino also asks that both men and women avoid wearing excessive or expensive jewelry while in Honduras. Body piercings can also be a distraction to the Honduran people. We ask that all piercings, besides in the ears for women, be taken out or covered. In Honduras, tattoos are more commonly seen on gang members so please cover any tattoos if possible while in Honduras.
Cultural Awareness: The people of Honduras are a humble people who lead a slow paced lifestyle. They are very warm and welcoming to Americans, but can be overwhelmed by some of our behavior. It is important to keep in mind that you are a guest in their country and please be willing to respect the differences. Before coming to Honduras it is important to learn what you can about the country as well as make an effort to learn a few phrases in Spanish. You will be amazed how just a few phrases can open up a relationship that would otherwise be closed. The Hondurans have learned that Americans are generous and you may have beggers (or even the translators) asking for favors, money, your possessions, etc. Please do not give anything to anyone without checking with the administrators of Destino.
Rules at Destino
It is sometimes hard for teams to remember that the people living and going to school at Destino need normalcy in their lives. With many teams coming through each year, it is difficult to keep a routine for the children at Destino. Below are some rules that will help your team to encourage the ministry at Destino without creating too much disruption for the children and staff living there.
The Kid’s Schedule: It is important to be sensitive to the children’s schedules. If your team is at Destino during the day, we ask that you avoid entering the house unless given permission by the house parent. The children generally nap from 11:00 to 1:00. Teams are asked to be mindful of noise levels during this time. When teams are returning to Destino in the evening, the children are preparing for dinner and for bed. The children eat at 4:30, are bathed, and then have an hour to relax before going to sleep at 6:30. Teams are asked to keep this schedule in mind and avoid disrupting the children.
Interacting with the Kids: Generally teams have an opportunity to bond with the children on Sunday, and in the mornings before teams leave for the day. We ask that during these times team members avoid giving the children gifts, candy, or gum without the permission of the houseparent. We also ask that you do not promise gifts to the children. While playing with the children be aware of the play boundaries set by the houseparent. Be sensitive to avoid showing partiality to one child over another. Harsh or course joking is also to be avoided. We also ask that teenage team members avoid romantic relationships with the older children at Destino and avoid any displays of affection with the teens at Destino.
Interacting with the School Kids: Be aware that these children are in school and need to focus on their studies. Please treat the school as you would any school in America. With this in mind, still feel free to interact with the school children during their breaks.
Workers: There are many people working to help run Destino. Team members must understand that these people are at work when they are at Destino. It is appropriate to talk with and interact with them, but it is not appropriate to distract them from their work. No one is to give gifts to the workers without Rhonda’s permission. Time, love and words are the best way to encourage the people at Destino. Any worker asking for gifts or favors should be reported.
Encouraging Staff: Rhonda and the staff of Destino enjoy interacting with each group that comes to Honduras, but they do not always have the time or the energy to answer every question for each team member. We ask that each team member direct your individual questions to your team leader and he/she will ask the necessary questions of Rhonda. Although we want to be teachable and desire to learn from others’ experience, too many suggestions (how to run the ministry differently, how to raise the children better, etc.) are tiresome and discouraging to the staff. A good way to encourage Rhonda personally is to spend time praying for her and with her.
Typical Schedule
Sat. Arrive at San Pedro Sula airport midday.
Take bus to Siguatepeque and check-in at the Hotel Plaza San Pablo
6:30 Eat supper at Maribel’s Cafeteria Selecta
7:30 Breakfast at Maribel’s
8:45 Arrive early to Destino to become acquainted with the children and staff
1:00 Prayer time and sharing with Rhonda
3:00 Church
5:00 Pizza dinner with kids
7:00 Breakfast at Maribel’s
8:00 Bus to Destino
9- 5 Work/ Ministry
5:00 Return to hotel
6:30 Dinner at Maribel’s
Leave for the airport and return home.
Spiritual Preparation/ Team Building
To the staff at Destino, it is very evident which teams have prepared themselves spiritually before coming to Honduras. Below are some suggestions on how you can build an effective team that is spiritually prepared to impact the country for Christ, as well as grow in your own understanding of the world and what God is doing in it. As a leader you will know better the specific needs of your group, but below are some suggestions to keep in mind.
Spiritual Preparation: Coming to Destino is both a physical and spiritual journey. Team leaders are responsible not only to guide their team physically but spiritually as well. We suggest that teams have at least 8 meetings before coming to Honduras to spiritually prepare your team members for their trip to Destino. Teams need to spend time in prayer for themselves, what they will be doing, and for the people they will be ministering to. The meetings can also include teaching. Some topics to be considered could be: “Why missions?,” “Flexibility,” or “Words of encouragement.” Mission trips are a great opportunity for discipleship, do not miss this opportunity.
Building a team: Team leaders need to understand that there is a difference between a team and a group of individuals. We suggest that teams find a way, before coming to Honduras, to build relationships within your team. Whatever way works for your group (i.e. meeting and praying together), find a way to form them into a team. This will help to solidify the leadership.
If you are interested in bringing a group to Destino, please fill out our Group Information form.