Hey Everyone,
Thanks for your patience with me for not getting an update out sooner. We have had our internet down for several days and I finally just came to town to write to everyone. I desperately need your prayers right now.
This is one of the worst times we have ever had financially and we need a lot of prayer. We do have enough for a couple of days of gas for the buses to run for school and we have beans and rice for several days. We will have to cancel school if we don´t get more money in by Tuesday. But God knows all our needs and I know he must be putting this on the hearts of people to help us The frustration too is that we are just in the first stages and plans of becoming more self supporting here but the farming equiment has to come from Colorado to start the agriculture business and we are praying for the machine to make cement blocks so that we can start making some money that way. Things are tough in the US and I know everyone is hurting so just pray that we can get the money in to get the farming equipment in and the block making machine bought so that we can start working for ourselves here. It will also provide jobs for other hurting poor families
and also be a way to start training our kids. Carlos is probably more frustrated than me during this transition time because he wants to be working and he has had no money for materials to work on the things that we could do here. I am so discouraged, honestly, and feel like I am failing this test of faith that God has handed us. He started this work, thought up the whole thing and has always been faithful and I know that He is up to something and we have to just wait and pray and trust Him. Thanks for your prayers.
We have had all kinds of struggles lately but in the middle of it all , people are coming to Christ and God is bringing much fruit for the Kingdom. I know it is a package deal that if you want fruit you have to suffer and there IS persecution when you follow Jesus. We have had ridiculous things said about us and the ministry through the past months and it is just another tool of the enemy to discourage us and make us want to leave and give up this wonderful ministry that God has birthed here. I don´t know many other ministries where God has told them to raise children to be missionaries and so you can imagine how very much Satan hates this place. It wasn´t our idea but God´s and so HE WILL DO what he has purposed and Satan knows that. Thanks for praying for us. One of the rumors among a few pastors here was that Carlos is actually a drug lord and Destino is a cover for his drug operations. Whew, and these are a few PASTORS that are
talking about us. The Lord warned us though so we just need to not be surprised at the persecution that comes and will continue to come and we need to look ONLY to HIM.
In the midst of the hard stuff though, God is so good and tender and full of mercy. He has been personally teaching me soooo much lately and both Carlos and Wendy are growing and trusting God more every day. This is not goiing to be an easy journey and we have to grow so much in our faith to be ready for the even harder times ahead. I would ask you to pray for me personally that I will choose JOY every day. The other day, I was in the car with several of my kids and they were laughing and giggling. The Spirit put the thought in my head. Kids are happy UNLESS something bad happens to them. Happìness is their default. Adults (or at least me most of the time) are NOT happy unless something good happens to them. Our default is just kind of blah. It made me really look at myself and ask the Lord to show me where I lost my joy. I believe more than anything it is because of the huge burdens we are carrying here and I honestly do not
know how to cast my cares on the Lord. It is a command to do that though and so I am asking the Lord to show me how to give up my burdens every day. That is a big struggle for Carlos as well and this place is growing so huge that we have GOT to learn this lesson now. Thanks for praying for us in this area.
We had the city wide Olympics for the bilingual schools this week. Destino is the only bilingual school for only poor kids so as a result most of the other kids from the rich bilingual schools have nice tennis shoes and clothes etc. but our kids went and had such confidence in who they are and they ran with all their hearts. Many of them ran barefooted because they didn´t have tennis shoes. We came out at the top. It was funny in the 8 marathon races for different age levels on the last day, Destino came away with about 2-3rds of all the medals. Cesar, my 7 year old, not only one first in his race but came out of the marathon way far in front of every one else. He is quite a little athlete. It was such a fun time for them and they recognized it was GOD who has blessed their school and them individaully with talents. We plan to have an art competition next week and start spelling bee competitions next year in school. Keep praying for us
as we are looking for the right Americans to come and teach here next year and also need lots of new sponsors for the kids.
Carlos and I were provided free tickets to Texas and we will be going there from May 15th to the 23rd and have several places to share about Destino. Please pray for this trip that it will honor the Lord and He will give us many chances to encourage people in their own lives to let Him use them in ministry. For all of you who live in Texas, we will have a drop in at Diane and Jimmy Cutais´house on Saturday night, May 16th. All the old girls from Boys Country and people from TBC and friends all around please come and see us. Diane´s number is 281 351 1119 and she said to call her for directions and more information. For those in the Dallas area, we will be having a drop in at Helen and Craig Rekerdres´house on Thursday night, May 21st and you can call Helen for more information. Her number is 214 826 8008. Please come (former youth from Scofield and many other friends) I really really want a chance to see yáll.
Thanks to all of you for your many prayers for us. We are in a battle constantly and we need your warfare prayers for us daily. He never told us it would be easy and I guess it is time for me to wake up and recognize what kind of a battle we are in here to do what God has for these children at Destino del Reino. Thanks for being in the battle with us.
Love in His grace,