Anyone that wants to participate in our $10 – “give up one meal at a restaurant” idea — please send in your $10 to Destino del Reino, PO Box 814, Evans, GA 30809, and we’ll see if this is how God intends to build our new junior high.  Ten dollars will pay a construction worker one and a half days of work so your one meal will go FAR in constructing this school for the poor children here in Honduras.  Some people have even put the same announcement on their Facebook and email lists and so if everyone participates, we will have a wonderful school for building Christian leaders and no one will have missed more than ONE MEAL!!!  Thanks for praying that people will want to participate.  I think with the busyness of people’s schedules in the US, the problem won’t be the $10 but the getting out the envelope, finding a stamp and getting it to the Post Office, ha.  Thanks for praying for this project and also if you participate, thanks for taking time and sacrificing a meal for the children.  Love to all of you   (I’ll send an update very soon).

In His grace,

