Hey Everyone,

I had an idea this morning and not sure if it was the Holy Spirit or not, but want to put it before you.  We have thankfully been able to fix our buses and get back on track financially because of some very generous gifts to Destino del Reino.  Our next very pressing project in front of us is the building of the junior high building.  The building is not very big — just 8 classrooms and bathrooms and the design has been made and the trenches for the foundation are already measured and dug and we are ready to start.  People are struggling financially in the US right now and I realize that but the idea that came to me is that if everyone that is reading this email would just skip one meal eating out this month and send $10 or $15 to Destino, we would have enough money to get  at least the first floor of the junior high built in time for school in August.   I know that there are over 1,000 people that get our updates directly and then there are probably another 1,000 that receive it indirectly from other people.   We did something similar to this about 6 years ago to raise the money for AWANA club and it was amazing how much came in without any one person having to sacrifice too much.   Many people do not donate because they are unable to give a bigger gift like $100 because they have their own financial struggles, but I was thinking that with just a $10 or $15 gift from each person, we could build a junior high for the poor children here and this building will go on for years changing many many lives for the Kingdom of God.  Thanks for considering this idea and if you are willing to be a part, just send your check payable to Destino del Reino, and send it to:

Destino del Reino, PO Box 814, Evans, Georgia 30809

I am so blessed with all of you that offer your prayers even when you cannot give so please know that I appreciate all that you are doing for the Kingdom through that support.  Thanks for encouraging me through all of your love and faithfulness to this ministry.

God is good and He is faithful and He will do this in His way and in His timing, but I just kind of thought this might be an idea that came from Him this morning.

Love in His grace,

