Hey Everyone,

Sorry it has been several weeks since I wrote to all of you. As always, things are hectic but good. God is blessing us abundantly in every way and we are so humbled by His willingness to use us in this great ministry of His.

I wanted everyone to know that we are updating the web site and plan to do it monthly now so that you will always be able to see new pictures of the kids and the ongoing projects, etc. Ric Pratz, a friend in Houston has been working on it for several years and has been updating some for us this week. And then, Zac Rosenbaum, also from Houston, is here for a few weeks and we are working on it together. It is going to be so great. Zac is doing a picture tour from the front of the road through the land to see all the houses and projects. It will really help people get a feel for where we live, I think. There are updated pictures of the kids on the all the sites and we are still working on a few areas such as the ministry area, waiting for more pictures of the evangelism team on Wednesday nights and Sunday School and church. But anyway, I hope all of you will get on and take a look. It is www.destinodelreino.org I am so thankful for all those that are helping us with this.

We received a big financial gift to get started on the underneath part of the school. Our hope is to have that all finished by the time school starts again in mid-August. We will start with the cafeteria and kitchen since that is the most important part to have done before school begins, but we hope to be able to finish the other classrooms and bathrooms too, because we want to use them for Sunday School as soon as possible. Please be praying for the remainder of the funds to come in for this project and for the timing to be God’s. Thank you for your prayers for getting the school finished. It still amazes me when I see how beautiful it is and huge and that it was all finished in 8 months from the very leveling of the land to completion. God is an amazing God!!

I am going to be in Georgia from Friday (19th) until Friday (26th). Carlos and I had planned to go to Texas and Georgia but at the last minute we are having trouble with getting one paper for Carlos’ permission. Please continue to pray for this. Two agencies in the US were supposed to have the record but say there is no record on Carlos’ deportation 8 years ago. It was put in archives. We are now in the process of trying to get a letter stating they cannot find it or get permission without that paper.

We are changing our tickets and will come as soon as his permission is given. Please keep this on your prayer list for us.

While I am away, Iris will stay in the house at night with the kids and also Zac will be here to help out. Thanks for praying for all to go well while I am away. It is so hard on me to leave my babies but I know it is necessary. Pray for Sammy especially since he is the most attached to me and will be a little insecure without me here.

Please pray for Martha. She is unhappy a lot of the time and I don’t know what to do to encourage her. She thinks she needs to leave and go to school somewhere where it is free and she can live with someone in her family and not have to help so she can study more. I would miss her but I believe it may be time for her to go as well. Please pray for us to know how to help her make the right decision and to seek God for her future plans. We will also need houseparents sooner than I thought or we will move the girls back in with me for awhile. Pray for wisdom in all of these areas. I know God is in charge and will do the best and it will be something we probably haven’t even thought of yet. He is so faithful.

Continue to pray for the Wednesday night team that goes to villages with the films. Carlos has been trying to get this started for several months now and there is always an obstacle. They are continuing to go in spite of the obstacles and God is blessing them. Please be praying against any schemes by Satan against them. I know he HATES this new ministry but God cannot be stopped!! We just need to pray more for them. It is such a wonderful opportunity to train up these young men to reach their own people.

If anyone wants to call me while I am in the States, I will be at my parents’ house from Sat. a.m. to Wed. midday (706) 731-5216 and at my sister’s from Wed evening until early Fri. morning (26th) at 770-796-2368. I thank you for your prayers that I will get what I need to accomplished while in the States. There is too much to do and too many people to see to fit into one week so I need God’s guidance as to HIS priorities.

Love to all of you and please continue to pray for us faithfully. We are so blessed to have such a team of prayer warriors fighting on their knees for us. It is evident that many are praying.

Love in His grace,

