Hey Everyone,
I thought it was about time for me to send out a report since so much has been happening over the past two weeks.
As you know, my cousin Bob came last week and held a medical clinic in the village next to Destino del Reino. We had a great week and a really good clinic. He saw over 200 people and we were able to take care of most of their medical needs. So many of you contributed to the clinic in various ways. We used medicines that were left with us from the Alabama team in March and we gave out vitamins and childrens’ medicines that were given by many in Augusta. We distributed clothes to some of the children that many of you have sent through the months. Usually we use the medicines we have and if we don’t have the right medicine, we just tell them we’re sorry we can’t help them with that particular problem. Because we want to minister to this village in an extraordinary way, we kept a list of the medications needed that we did not have and then the next day went to a pharmacy in Siguatepeque and Bob bought those specific medicines to distribute to them the next week. God really demonstrated His love to these people. Many of them came with current sicknesses but some came just to get some medicines for the future. They know that the next week they may have a pain and there will be no medicine for them then so they all came to get at least some pain killers for future days. We take those things so for granted — aspirin for a headache. Bob and I talked a lot about the possibility of having a regular weekly clinic at Destino in the future for these nearby villages. That will be an incredible ministry to those very poor people. God will provide for us and I am sure of this because of all of His commands in the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) to take care of the poor — I know this is very dear to the Heart of God —
We had a great week this week with Vacation Bible School. The teacher at the school offered the last two hours of the children’s regular school day so that they could all be in attendance. Many of them have to walk soooo far to school every day that they would not have been able to return in the afternoons for VBS. We really appreciated that and we even held the VBS right there in their classroom. Of course all the other children younger and not attending school, crowded in to the classroom with us each day for the classes. There were the same team of volunteers from my local church who worked in evangelism that offered to help with VBS so we had plenty of workers. We had about 100 children and most of them had never heard that Jesus died for their sins until this week. The children are so attentive and it is so easy to captivate their attention. They have not had radios, television and nintendos, etc. to keep them entertained all their lives so they are completely satisfied and interested in just stories and songs. We did a little craft and used a lot of the supplies that the Tomball Bible group left me for those things — thanks again for all you gave me!! We had so many of the children accept Jesus as their Savior this week and at the end of the week when we asked how many were SURE that their names were written in the Book of Life, almost all of them raised their hands!!! I am so excited for all God is going to do in this village and through Destino del Reino in the future to minister to them all. Thank you so much for all your prayers.
This team of workers will begin with me next week to start discipleship classes for the new adult believers in four different homes (once a week) and also on the 18th of August we will be starting Sunday School for the children in the area. I wish that we had a bus to bring in all the children from the village each week so they could continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus, but maybe that day will come sometime. For now, we will be able to reach those that do not have so far to walk and those that live nearer to Destino.
These Honduran workers from my local church are so ready to do whatever it takes to reach others for Christ. I believe we will be able to start this same whole process in another village in about 3 months. We have beginner materials for 3 months of teaching discipleship lessons and after that, we will move to the village just beyond this last village and start with evangelism again. As groups come from the States to help us at various times, we will just continue this process and include them in our ministry in that way. Hopefully, we will have medical people come at various times to hold clinics in these villages after we reach them with the gospel of Christ.
As for Destino del Reino, nothing has changed at this point. Continue to pray for the well. The schedule says that we wil get our well in the week of August 19th now. Of course, that is dependent upon the drill not breaking or other problems that may come up. It has been hard to sit and wait but God’s timing is always right. He will do it, I am sure, but I don’t know when exactly. The hold-up for the building completion has been because of the well. We don’t know exactly how much the well materials will cost and don’t want to touch the funds in the account for anything else but getting the well completed. Water is absolutely necessary and if we didn’t have the right amount of materials there when the drill came to our land, the people doing the well would not wait for us — As soon as the well is in, we will work as fast as possible to complete the house — of course, again that depends on how fast the funds come in for various things that need completing, and that will totally be up to the Father in His timing again. I am finally resting in His perfect plan in this and realize that if we don’t move in until after Christmas, I will trust Him and know He is PERFECT — once we start, I will be here the rest of my life doing this and so I know it seems silly to be in such a hurry — but I am just SO ready to be busy with these little ones and preparing them to become disciples to reach the world one day for Jesus Christ.
My parents and Jim Bargeron will be here in another week to help with getting the house hooked up electrically, finish painting, etc. They were able to collect many more children’s clothes and we will be able to go back to the village and distribute some clothes to those children. Many of the children in the VBS I could recognize each day by the shirt they wore every single day. Most of them don’t have shoes and most have one outfit so we will have a great time giving out some of those clothes that many of you have been sending to us. Thanks sooo much.
Please keep praying about the contents of the bus to arrive soon. The shipping company is negotiating with my friend Jeff (an attorney in Houston) and we are praying that the contents can be returned in a container for no charge because of the mistakes the company made which cost us our shipping fees paid in the first shipment. Thanks for all your prayers in this. I know God is good ALL the time and this is part of His plan somehow so it will be good also.
I love you all and praise God for all you do for this ministry through your prayers — thanks for being faithful to us in that way. God will bless you greatly because this is HIS plan and you are a part of it —
In His grace,