Hey Everyone,
I thank you for your prayers. Little by little we continue to receive enough money to get through the week with the labor and supplies for the school. We are just continuing in faith and it is hard with my doubts and fears at times, but God is faithful ALWAYS!!
We just finished a wonderful week with a group from Florida and Michigan. It was the first time we had a corporate group. This is a company owned by a friend of mine and they paid for their group of 18 to come and minister to the people of Honduras in many ways. They brought a plumber, electrician and construction helpers as well as a great medical team. They were able to see about 900 people in the week and treat them medically and provide free medications for everyone. The construction group was able to accomplish so much for us in preparation for electricity and plumbing in the school. The timing was perfect for their coming. God always does that for us. So many times I am not sure exactly what a group will do when they get here because of not knowing at what point we may be on our projects, but HE KNOWS and does it perfectly. This group was so precious and many of them did not know one another as they were coming from different parts of two states. One precious young lady, Naomi, accepted Jesus Christ as her savior while she was here and so please pray for her as she returns to the States and wants to grow up in her relationship with the Lord Jesus. Several of the men prayed with about 8 of our construction workers and they received Jesus Christ as their Savior as well and 5 of them went forward for more prayer at our Thursday night meeting. It amazes me what all God is up to here with the salvation of so many and the opportunities to disciple these men and make them great leaders for Jesus Christ in Central America. Thanks for your prayers that continue to uphold us.
We have been under MUCH attack by Satan and I would ask you to please pray for us continually. There is too much to go into in an email but just know that we need to be covered continually. Carlos and Wendy and I have had to have several emergency prayer meetings to get us through some things. So thanks for your prayer coverage for us. God always wins and we just need to remember that we have to WAR to receive that victory with Him.
All the kids are doing well. Josue continues to get more active and responsive. Our newest problem though is that he is calling women “whores” — I don’t know where he picked that up but my wooden spoon seems to be working a change in that area, ha. I used to think that when he was mad at me, he must be saying something else, but it is very clear what he is saying now and we are working on that. I can’t imagine a 2-year old picking that up. I can’t imagine what environment he must have come from.
Sammy has two teeth now. He is so cute and is the joy of our house. He has been sick for several days though so please pray for him to recover quickly. Eidy is still a little “toot” and tries my patience but I love her so much and so that gives me a lot of extra energy to work with her. Cokie is still taking care of all of us so well, ha. I can’t wait to see what she will be like when she grows us, if she nurtures us all this much at age 3. Jonathan is growing so fast and so are the other boys. We go through the blue jeans so quickly. ha. Blanca has two weeks left of first grade and is really learning to read. She loves English the best and gets to practice with all these Gringos that come through.
We haven’t received our new baby from the village of Las Germanias, but that could be any day now. She said mid to late October she would have the baby. Thanks for your prayers for that.
Martha is going to go to La Ceiba to take an entrance test in November for a nursing school there. If that works out, she would be leaving in February for a year. God will show us how to arrange our needs for help at that point. I know that God will answer all our prayers for her and clearly lead her life.
Well, thanks for your prayers. The biggest prayer requests right now are for us personally that are leading the ministry, for the funds for the school and for the discipleship of the many men, women and children that are under our “roof”.
Love to all of you and thanking God forever for your consistent prayers for us all,
In His grace,