Hey Everyone,

Thanks, as always, for your continual prayers for us here at Destino del Reino. It seems that we have been under a lot of pressure and confusion from Satan BUT GOD Always wins, when we turn those battles over to Him. It has been so frustrating to me because nothing is really wrong, but the thoughts of discouragement and unworthiness, etc. have been overwhelming and I felt so defeated for several weeks. I knew where the battles were coming from but felt so weak to fight them and have really failed in a lot of areas of my life. But God is so generous with his mercy for me and I am seeing great hope ahead again. Please don’t stop praying for all of us here. Carlos especially and me too. Things are going too good here for Satan’s comfort and I know that is why we are under constant attack by Him. The men’s group is growing and the church is growing in numbers and spiritually. We are so grateful for the incredible hunger for God and His word in this place.

Sammy has been very sick and we have been to the clinic in town every day this week for shots and breathing treatments. I have been sick with bronchitis for over a week as well and am up every night with Sammy so am not recuperating as fast as I could if I was able to rest. So thanks for praying for all of us. The other kids are fine and are feeling great.

Pray for a group of 4 that are coming in tomorrow from Augusta. Terry Jackson will be teaching about 4 times and we are looking forward to his encouragement for the church here. Thanks for your prayers. I don’t have a lot for them to do but they will be a great encouragement to just have here with us at Destino.

I thank you for your continued prayers about the school b uilding. We have enough (barely) for this week and don’t know yet what will come in for the workers next week but I am just trusting God to show us his plan for the timing. He always does things perfectly.

Our first kindergarten graduation for Destino is coming up in 3 weeks and that is an exciting time for us. The parents are so proud of their children and we will make a great occasion for them.

I guess this will go on record as my shortest email ever but I really don’t feel well and just wanted to update you on how to pray. Thanks for your faithfulness in every way. Pray for me to cling to God with ALL my heart and soul and mind and let Him be God and that I will rest in HIM ALONE!

Love you all,

In His grace,

