Hey Everyone,
Sorry it has been several weeks since I wrote. I thank you for not forgetting us even when you fail to hear from me every week. We always need a LOT of prayer and I thank you for your faithfulness to us.
As some of you saw on my Facebook status, a group of people came a few days ago and informed us that our little Ana (almost 4 years old) is going to be put on an adoption list. They took her picture and wanted us to take her for some tests to approve her for their list. As you know, we have had Ana since she was 5 days old. She was abandoned in a field the day she was born and weighed less than 5 pounds. They admitted they didn’t know she survived and now that they know, they want to adopt her to a familiy. I (angrily) told them that we are not an orphanage, we are a FAMILY and they had promised her to us forever and they will break every one of our hearts here if they take our little girl from us. The people said that we could appeal to a judge or a head in the program but emphasized we should not use their names because people think they are in this for the money (which is exactly what they are in it for). I was in a panic that day and
night but we have since talked to our wonderful Christian attorney in Tegucigalpa and he is very mad about the situation and says NO ONE has the right to take Ana and he is looking into the situation. Although I am very encouraged because our lawyer knows much about these things, I still beg you to pray for this situation to be worked out quickly. It just makes me sick to think about but I know that God picked Ana for Destino del Reino. There are thousands of children without homes in Honduras and we have always, from the very beginning of this ministry, prayed that God would pick out those who were to be raised here to become Christian leaders. I don’t believe God has changed his mind about Ana. Thanks for the prayers and I’ll keep you posted.
Another dangerous situation that we need prayer about right now is the construction they are doing on the highway right outside of our turn-off. We have to go along a very thin lane to get onto the paved road and there are construction and cement trucks flying down that lane thinking no one else uses it — we have to use it because we cannot get up on the newly paved part of the highway from our turn-off. We have bus loads of children several times a day and have had a few near accidents. Thanks for praying for our safety. We also need to pray for the $9,000 for a new bus because we have had several problems with the buses and we have to run them sometimes when we really need to put one of them in the shop. Thanks for praying for this HUGE need.
The area around us is continuing to get more and more dangerous with gangs and drug-related deaths, etc. There were 2 men killed in the village nearest us this week and there have been continual robberies. Last night a pick up with 6 men in the back with heavy duty guns came up our road and Carlos and our nightwatchman were outside so they went on past our place towards the neighbors. About 4 months ago, there was a lot of blood down in that area and it appeared that people had dumped a body. We were stopped in traffice (one-way with road construction) Tuesday night for about 30 minutes and the pick up in front of us had several men get out and act very nervous during the 30 minutes. Carlos felt like something was very wrong and when we finally started moving in traffic again, there was a lot of blood on the highway below that pick -up. I don’t mean to scare all of you that love us, but please be praying continually for our protection.
God called us here and He is faithful but there is a lot of bad going on around us continually.
On a better note, we praise God that our country seems to be finally at peace again. There were several problems with the “resistence” (the followers of the ousted ex-president) when they found out that the Congress voted that the ex-pres could not return for his final 2 months of office, but that is all that has happened and God has proven His faithfulness to this little praying country. I am sooooo proud of Honduras for their stand for democracy.
We just found out that a church in Texas is sending us a good portion of the funds needed to finish up the medical and dental clinic and we are so anxious to get that project finished. Please pray for us to be able to find the right workers to help us get it done quickly and that the other $8,000 we need to finish the clinic will come in soon as well.
Personally, God has done such great things here lately for me. I have had so much fear in my life for several years about how things are going at Destino, money, etc. etc. and I finally was convicted to fast and pray until that stronghold (demon) is vanquished. I have seen a big change in that area of my life this week and I know that the peace I was lacking is returning. Please pray for me to be more faithful in fasting and praying. This is not a simple ministry — and we have to be so sensitive to the voice of th Spirit so we will not get off track in any area. Keep praying for Carlos as well. I have never been so hopeful for him with this pastor who has begun to meet with Carlos and says that God has told him he is to be a spiritual father for Carlos. They have fasted and prayed together for two days and God is doing great things. Our personal growth spiritually (Carlos, Wendy and I) is so foundational to how this ministry will
continue and so we all ask your prayers in that area. I see God doing amazing things and I am SURE of His calling on our lives and that He will d o whatever it takes to change us to be the people He needs us to be to complete His call and purpose for Destino.
We are really enjoying the church we have begun attending in Siguatepeque. It is refreshing to go outside of Destino and be fed and meet other believers. We thank God for leading us to just the right place for us.
Please pray for Eduard. He has gone to Jocon for one month with his family. He is 18 years old and we didn’t think we can keep him from visiting, but, as you know, Jocon is a very dangerous and corrupt place. Pray for his protection both physically and spiritually.
The school continues to be doing so amazingly. Wendy and I were talking about how wonderful all the teachers are and so dedicated and capable. It is truly a great blessing. The kids love school and are learning so much. I just praise God that every year it gets better. Continue to pray for Wendy in her role as director. It is a LOT of responsibility but she does a great job.
Sunday School continues to grow every week so please pray for me to be able to teach the children effectively. The age range is 3 to 12 so that is quite a challenge but they are so attentive and I thank the Lord for their eagerness to learn His Word.
I have still continued to be so encouraged by Francis Chan’s sermons — I listen to about 3 or 4 a week and it has done so much for me spiritually. If you want to hear an incredible message that I listened to twice yesterday, go to www.cornerstonesimi.org and under “get a sermon”, go down to 2001 — it is called “Reputation or Character” — it is amazing. I wish every pastor would hear it and take up the same kind of courage to preach like that.
Thanks for your continued love and encouragement for us. We are so blessed for the team that God has put together to make Destino all that it is and is becoming. Pray for those that volunteer and do so much behind the scenes for Destino. I know that only God knows how much they sacrifice for this ministry.
Don’t forget to go to the website if you want to buy some precious Christmas cards. Ten of our students’ art was picked to go on the Christmas cards and you can order a pack of 10 for $10 on-line and it all goes to help our school. Please tell your friends about it as well. Love all of you and thanks again for your powerful PRAYERS.
Love in His grace,