Hey Everyone,
Things are still very precarious in Honduras right now.  Not because the Hondurans are divided on the situation here but becaus the outside world is interfering and trying to takeaway our liberty here.  Please keep praying.  The reporters have it all wrong, for the most part, and report a military coup, people wanting the ex-president returned, etc.  That is not the case.  The ex-president is a crook and friend of Chavez.  He has allowed planes to come weekly to Honduras filled with Chavez’s drugs and was turning the nation over to Chavez little by little.  We were rescued within hours of an illegal vote to turn the ex-president into a dictator.  I am SO proud of Honduras and we need your help in prayer (and writing letters to your senators) to keep Honduras FREE!!!  They are not afraid to suffer and will be willing to be alienated from the rest of the world to guard their liberty and democracy.  Thanks for praying.  We don’t sense any danger
near us at all but we love this country and they need help in getting the truth out.  This is so crazy and I have never before in my life been so upset with the lies in the press — it is so frustrating to not be able to have the world know (or believe) the truth about Honduras’ stand for democracy.

We have a group here right now from Day Spring Baptist and West Acres in Augusta.  They are getting so much done in the school — painting, repairing desks, library organization, etc.  I am sograteful that they were not afraid to come on in spite of the unrest in Honduars.  God wil greatly bless them, I believe, for their faith in coming and trusting HIM.  Pray for the rest of the week — VBS in a mountain village and that they will be able to leave without any incident or delay on Friday morning.  Thanks for your prayer support for them.

PLEASE pray for us right now for the finances.  We have one month before we have to have ordered all the curriculum for this year $5,000, paid all the teachers a bonus $2,000 and paid the regular salaries $3,000.  We are short a lot of sponsors right now for school so we really need the Lord to pull us out of this financial hole quickly so we can start the year on top of things.

PRAISE GOD the Board has hired 3 American teachers for this year.  Of course, we need your prayers for their families to have perfect peace that this storm in Honduras will clear up before they send their daughters down here.  God is in control though.  We  are hiring Amanda Bruin, Zoe Tolson and Amanda Bowen.  Please pray for them as they need to raise their support for finances and for prayer partners.  We also have Mallori Diener coming from Indiana with her husband to teach English and music as well.  They still need to raise some more financial support as well so pray for them too.  There is one more young woman who has expressed an interest in coming this year from Oregon and we are waiting to see if she will follow through as well.  I am so excitede to have such a wonderful group of people ready to serve the Lord in our school this year.  Pray for us to communicate well with them and they will come with humility and teachability in
adjusting to a new culture.

In the middle of all of these problems, God is teaching us all so much in trust and confidence in HIM.  He is still on the throne and is planning to do great things this year through Destino.  we need your constant prayers and encoruagement.  If you know anyone who would be willing to support children in the school, please direct them to the website to sign up.  We have lots of little mouths to feed this year and buses to run, and teachers to pay, etc.  We need your help.  Remember that Julie Kappas will be happy to furnish a DVD to show a short presentation of the school miinistry if you want to show one in your church or SS classes.  I will copy her on this email so you will see her email address.

All the kids at the children’s home are doing wonderful.  We have our new baby, David, and his brother is spposed to get to come and live with us this week (2 year old, Roger).  Please pray for that to work out smoothly and that Roger will adjust as quickly as David did.  The other kids are so excited to have a baby in the house again.

Pray for the group from Bayvale Baptist that will be coming in on the 25th.  Pray that everything is calmed down in Honduras so that their families will have peace about their trip.  They plan to build us a huge chicken coop to start raising our own chickens and having lots of eggs this year.  Also we will be doing VBS and evangelism in a village.

We are in the planning stages of geting another container here.  We plan to have a truck go to Bryan College to pick up some donated computers and then bring school supplies and other things from Augusta, Georgia and take them to Houston where the container will be shipped from.  In Houston they are trying to get together the things we need for school and teachers’ house, etc.  Please pray for the Lord to work all of these details out.  We also are still praying to get some farming equipment here and only God knows how that is going to work out so please pray for us about that as well.

Thanks for all your constant support of Destino in finances, and prayer especially.  God is going to prepare many leaders and missionaries from this place but the way is not going to be easy.  We are so thankful for your encouragement during these hard times.
Love in His grace,
