Hey Everyone,
I was talking to a friend yesterday about my great distress over our financial problems and she said I should pray about telling everyone and letting everyone in on this Prayer “opportunity”.
We lacked more than 50 supporters when we started having to buy uniforms, shoes, materials, school books, and supplies to finish up the school in June, July and August. We just had to use some of the land money because we couldn’t make it any other way. Even in September we still lacked many supporters but we had to feed the kids, etc. Anyway, the land deal is closing and we sent the $100,000 in to them and I knew we needed to send a little more in. The land has always been for sale at 2Million lempiras and I just estimated to $100,000 but it was actually $109,000 and now they want about $4,000 in taxes. They have not upped their price and it is a very good price for the land and they will not go down. They have the $100,000 check and now we have to come up with this last $13,000. The part that I have been on a guilt trip about is that actually a little more than that amount did come in through the past 7 months for the land but I
wasn’t really keeping track because we used what we had to have and I thought with the $100,000 we were okay. Please pray that God will send the remaining money for us to complete the land deal. I know that he is faithful and honestly don’t know what I could have done differently but we have had a lot of car repairs and other emergency things here as well during the past 8 months. It has been so hard. I feel guilty when there are financial problems but Carlos reminded me this morning that I don’t even have a salary and so I can’t be on a guilt trip because I buy Diet Coke or something for myself. Satan loves to beat us up and after prayer this morning, I realize that this condemnation is not from God. God never condemns but he convicts gently in the heart and as soon as we repent, we are set free from the guilt. This unspecific “guilt” is just accusation from Satan to keep me down on myself so please be praying for me too to just
accept our situation and not re-analyze what I could have done differently. Thanks for praying for us. We are under great warfare attacks all the time but God will always win and He does when we seek him with all our hearts. Carlos was really REALLY down yesterday as well and we could hardly encourage the other one. Then this morning he had an incredible time in the Word and went to the workshop to work with the 4 men that work with us every day and they all started praying and seeking the Lord with petitions and tears and God is surely going to win once again. We have so much at stake here and Satan knows that so he tries us in all our weaknesses. Just this last week we started making plans to have a monthly dinner for the men that are always around the Texaco at night drinking. We think we can have as many as 30 of these lost men come to an evangelistic meeting and we are starting to plan that for November and you can imagine how
Satan HATED that conversation. We have so many plans and desires to reach the lost here as well as raise up missionaries for the Lord so I shouldn’t be surprised that we are always under attack — but sometimes we get so beat up and don’t get on our knees as soon as we should and it seems impossible That is why we praise God that you are behind us praying faithfully — please don’t ever stop!!!
Love in His grace and with thanksgiving that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.