Hey Everyone,
I just found out that I made a BIG mistake in saying we had all the sponsors.  I saw only one more child on the website when I was in Augusta and ASSUMED that we only had one left and several people came up and said they would get on the website and sign up — so I thought we had them all.  Heather was taking the pictures for Zac to assign and she hadn’t sent them all to him yet (because of all the things that have been happening here — one, her computer was stolen, etc.) and so now there are EIGHT MORE CHILDREN to be sponsored.  Don’t stop praying and if anyone was prepared to sign up for a child and through my email thought was didn’t need them anymore, please re-consider.  Sorry for the mix-up.  I really want at least prayer covering over every child this year and the support money will feed them a hot meal every day — Thanks so much for praying for this BIG need.
Love y’all.
