Hey Everyone,
I am writing from an internet cafe in Siguatepeque because our satellite has been down for a week or so now. (First prayer request)!!
Thanks for your prayers for us. God is doing great things in spite of the problems here in the government. We actually have a very peaceful united country and only have a few people that are stirring up problems in the capital. Keep praying. The Congress and Supreme Court here have not changed their minds. They are opposed to Mel because he has committed sooooo many crimes against Honduras and the people here and they will not allow him back. The rest of the world is starting to see the truth, I think, so keep praying for Honduras to be able to remain peaceful during this next 5 months until our elections. The candidates for presidency were decided in November so we just need to continue until those elections and this problem with a would be dictator will be behind us. The big push for the ex’president´s return is by Chavez because he will lose a lot of ground in his drug business if he loses this territory. Thanks for praying for God to get all the glory and show off His power in this situation. Supposedly the expresident is trying to enter Honduras tomorrow from ¨Nicaragua so pray for protection for the Honduran military. I believe God is going to do something powerfully wonderful and hope you are praying for that as well.
We are really looking forward to school this year. I have finished all the school schedules and we are working on the teacher´s manuals and getting all the curriculum together. We need prayer for the finances to buy the remaining curriculm for the school year. We are praying that the government will be able to supply some extra books for us as they have in the past years. We also need a lot more school sponsors so please be praying for this big need . this is not only a financial need but more of a need for someone to take an interest in each student and pray for them regularly. Please share this need with your churches, Sunday School classes, family and neighbors. They can just go on the website and sign up right there. If they can only help with half a sponsorship ($30 a month), that wll be great and we´ll try to get two sponsors for each child. I know things are tight financially in the US too but I KNOW that Destino´s plan for these children is in the heart of God and he will provide for us. Just pray with us for this need, okay.
Carlos preached a wonderful message on the peace of God this week and no matter what is going on around us, the peace of God is in knowing that He is sovereign and in control and we are hidden in Him. I want to live each day without fear and to fulfill His will in each day that is given to me here to serve Him. None of us know the future for the US or for Honduras or for any part of the world but He is faithful and we trust HIM and so we can keep our eyes on the day we have ahead of us TODAY and serve Him with all our hearts and share the gospel with everyone we meet and train up leaders for whatever future is coming tomorrow. Thanks for praying for us to be faithful and stand without fear. He is in charge and He is OUR FATHER!!
The group that came from Day Spring and West Acres accomplished sooo much for our school and children´s home. We had a great VBS in a village school an d they painted the whole school, fixed lots of broken things for us, and we are so grateful for their encouragement. One of the men from Day Spring is going to be preparing a container with a tractor and other supplies that we desperately need here so pray for him as he prepares these things and that we can receive the container soon so we can start farming. Times may be hard ahead of us and we really need to start working on farming to help feed the poor around us. Also pray for a container being sent from Texas in the next month or so. Bryan College is donating 50 computers and a friend from First Baptist is sending a truck to pick them up in Tennessee, take them on to Texas to be loaded there on the container ” we need to collect LOTS of school supplies in Texas and in Augusta, so pray for all these details to be worked out and that God will greatly bless those that are helping us out in such a huge way.
Please be praying for our 4 American teachers coming in during the next month . We need to find the right house for the 3 single teachers and all of them need to raise their financial support. God is faithful and I know will show them His power and love through this process. Thanks for praying for them by name, they are Amanda, Amanda Marie, Zoe and Mallori. Mallori and Nathaniel will be staying in a missionary´s home for a few months while they are on furlough and then we hope to have the apartment in the clinic finished for them to live in when the missionary returns from furlough . We have started working on the clinic this past two weeks and know the Lord will provide all we need to finish that up.
We are so grateful for the love and prayers of all of you. Please don´t forget us here because His work is continuing daily here and we need your backing in prayer and encouragement. I am so blessed to be a part of such a huge ministry that God is doing here in Honduras and we are all a team. Thanks for all your help.
Love in His grace,