Hey Everyone,
We just got back from a 3-day stay at the hospital. Sammy is much better but still has another week of antibiotics. At first they said it was celulitis and then they said he had a bad bacteria in his system caused by something through the mouth — didn’t wash his hands or something. He stil has a lot of red on his left leg and it doesn’t look that much better to me but the fever has been gone for two days. It was VERY high. Thanks for your prayers.
Also, Carlos’ sister is out of the hospital and back at work. The first call saying she had a stroke was a false alarm, but Carlos brought her to Siguatepeque to the hospital and they did find pneumonia. She was out though in 2 days and back at work. I still don’t know if God just healed her and we had another miracle or all of it was a false alarm. Either way, thanks for all the prayers.
Baby Josie has a bad case of scabies or something similiar to that and she had two injections today and we have to get her well. Then while I was in the hospital, I had a horrible throat infection (it was coming on before I went there with Sammy), so I got two injections of heavy-duty — vein burning Penicillin. Whew!! And one of our volunteers, Hayden, fell and cut himself on the hand and came to the hospital where Sammy and I were and got stitches on Monday. We are hoping and praying that we are FINISHED with our emergency room visits for this year!!
We are getting ready for our next group in about 10 days — 40 people from West Acres. Pray because we don’t usually handle groups this big and the pressure will be great but we can accomplish a lot if we can all just take one day as it comes and seek the Lord for His guidance and PEACE!! They will be doing medical clinics as well as constsruction projects around Destino and a few projects for the poor.
The volunteers are busy painting the school for us. There are so many classes now and everything is so dirty at the end of the year. The kids are so poor that they don’t have anything but mud houses so they don’t really know how to take care of pretty things so we are training them. I told Carlos that I want to announce at the beginning of this year that at the end of the year, whateer class has the cleanest walls will receive a pizza party. Maybe they’ll start being more aware of how to keep things nice. But when you’ve never had anything nice, you don’t know how to keep things nice.
Pray for us more about the school than anything right now. We need two more American teachers, and two Honduran teachers. There are a couple of candidates out there and we need them to hear confirmation from the Lord. Thanks for praying for it to be clear if they are the ones that God is calling here. We need lots of money to come in for the curriculum this year so that is a huge request as well.
Carlos has been meeting with all the parents of the school though. He is determined to motivate them out of their acceptance of their poverty and help them dream of things to do to make some money to help their children earn some of the curriculum. I know they can’t get too much of the money together but if he can motivate them to TRY, that will bea big deal. He is determined, and I am glad, that they do not just start depending on Americans for hand-outs. He wants them to realize there are things they can do even if they are desperately poor. We are trying to come up with things they can learn to do and sell. If anyone has any good projects like that in mind, let us know. They had some of the moms come in a few weeks ago to learn to make some cakes and they are selling them now. We need some more ideas for them. There will be 180 kids in the school this year so you can imagine whata difference we can make if all the families get woken
up and start praying and trying to get motivated to do something about their lives. Thanks for praying for us for wisdom and strength to take on so much. The parents voted in a school board and they are in charge of motivation of everyone to help. They plan to send 4 different mothers to the school to cook every school day. Although this will help motivate them to do something, it will be harder on me because they will not all know what groceries they need and I had all that coordinated before with the regular cook. But it will be worth just having them want to be a part of the whole project. They are using our two school buses and selling tickets to an excursion on July 5th to the beach. They will make a pretty good amount of money that day and it will go towards the school books. The balance we need and the wisdom we need is to know which kids God wants us to rescue even if they have lazy parents. We have a standard that if
the parents do not do anything to try to help, we don’t accept their kids next year, BUT there are wonderful children whose parents are bums and I want to deal with each different case with God’s mercy and wisdom. Pray for us. This is a huge work and we want to know exactly what GOD wants us to do in each case.
Thanks for praying for the land. We KNOW God wants us to have it because it looks like we are at the $100,000 that we needed, once all the promised money gets in. But now, the man at the company is acting like there is another buyer who might want to pay more. We think it is just a trick and we are waiting on God to change his heart. God promises that he changes the hearts of kings and so we ask you to all pray with us for a miracle in this situation. We are not in a hurry and we will pray until God clearly opens the right door. THe money will sit in the bank safely until we KNOW that it is time and the right plan of God. Thanks for all of you who gave so sacrificially and now we will look forward to see how God makes it all turn out for HIS GLORY. It was frustrating the first call with the man, but we immediately said, God did not miraculously provide $100,000 and then not have a perfect plan. We need to WAIT ON THE LORD PATIENTLY
and He will do it!!
Pray for our situation with the light company. It has been a continual headache. They charge us way too much for electriciay and even when we got timers on our hot water heaters and only heat two hours a day and changed out lights and quit using the clothes dryer and washers, we have not seen any change in the bills. They are cheating us and we need God to intervene and show us how to do something about this. Thanks for your prayers.
Pray too as we go see our lawyer in Teguc this next week. We have a lot of things we need help with. We want to make Wendy the director of the whole school but she doesn’t have the exact right title (although she is absolutely qualitifed for the job), and we need special permission for her. We need to find out how to get one-year permissions for our teachers (and me) to stay without having to leave the country every 3 months, and we need his wisdom on a lot of other things. Thanks for your prayers. There are so many decisions to make here constantly and we need daily prayer and seeking wisdom from the Spirit and never walk ahead of Him. That is our BIGGEST PRAYER REQUEST — that Carlos and I will both make our time with the Lord a priority every single day. You can imagine how many things crowd out our time with Him each day and that is a deadly mistake. Thanks for your prayers for us to be disciplined in that area and the rest will be
Thanks for all your prayers and support. You don’t know how wonderful it is for me to have all of you to write and know that the prayers will be immediately being said all over the world for our requests. We are so blessed to have you all on our team.
Love in His grace,